Advanced Examples
These examples introduce the usage of advanced BlenderProc modules and/or their combinations.
auto_shading: How to change the shading mode of an object.
camera_depth_of_field: Setting an object as the camera depth of field focus point.
camera_random_trajectories: Creating camera trajectories with random walk noise.
coco_annotations: Generating COCO annotations in polygon or RLE format.
diffuse_color_image: How to render a scene without any lighting or shading.
dust: How to add dust on top objects, to make them look more real.
entity_displacement_modifier: Using displacement modifiers with different textures.
lens_distortion: Add lens distortion from camera calibration to all output images.
material_randomizer: Randomization of materials of selected objects.
motion_blur_rolling_shutter: Generating motion blur and a rolling shutter effects.
object_pose_sampling: Complex use of a 6D pose sampler.
on_surface_object_sampling: Object pose sampling on a given surface surface.
optical_flow: Obtaining forward/backward flow values between consecutive key frames.
physics_convex_decomposition: This examples explains how to use a faster and more stable physics simulation (only linux)
random_backgrounds: * Rendering an object in front of transparent background and then placing it on a random image
random_room_constructor: Generating rooms and populating them with objects.
stereo_matching: Compute distance image using stereo matching.