Plugin Template
RAFCON is shipped with a plugin example demonstrating the interfacing to RAFCON with custom code. This example can be used as a template to write your own plugin, e. g. to observe the core elements (with a simple observer) or GUI elements and meta data changes (with more complex and also signal based observers). The template can be found in the RAFCON repository in the share/examples/plugins folder.

Execution Hook Plugin
The execution hook plugin allows to insert functions and scripts that are called on state machine level with hooks on general execution engine status changes (like start, stop, pause, resume, step) and has an editor which is integrated in RAFCON.

Monitoring Plugin
This plugin allows to control the execution of a remote system. A slim RAFCON core has to run on the remote side which can then be controlled via a RAFCON GUI launched on a local PC. The execution of the remote client can easily be monitored as the currently executed states are visualized inside the local RAFCON instance. One remote system can even be monitored by several local clients.

Task Planner Plugin
The RAFCON Task Planner Plugin (RTPP) is a plugin to interface arbitrary pddl planners. It's purpose is to use such planners to plan a predefined scenario, and generate a RAFCON state machine out of the found plan. To achieve this, the plugin extends RAFCON, so that a state's semantic can be expressed via a pddl action. Subsequently, a set of such pddl annotated states can be used to auto-generate a domain file, find a plan for a handwritten problem and generate a state machine based on the solution.
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