We are excited to share our brand-new RAFCON Cheatsheet (PDF)
RAFCON has still no fully-stacked continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system.
With the latest release 0.13.7
and the integration of tox, we are one step closer.
We have released a shiny new minor version of RAFCON, 0.13.0
. The biggest news: You can now use RAFCON with both Python 2 and 3, plus the GUI is now implemented with GTK+3 (instead of GTK+ 2).
The DLR presented their concepts of the Factory of the Future on the Automatica fair 2018. RAFCON played a major role in several demonstrators.
During the ROBEX mission, our DLR Lightweight Rover Unit autonomously deployed several seismometers in an unknown rough terrain on Mt. Etna, Sicily. Its autonomous behavior was programmed with our behavior framework RAFCON.
RAFCON has proofed to be the perfect flow control tool for complex missions like the SpaceBot Camp. The DLR RMC team RMexplores won the event hold in November ‘15 also thanks to RAFCON.