
Workflow Overview

The general idea of this plugin, is to automatically generate functional state machines for a given scenario, in order to execute them on a robot.
The first step to achieve this goal, is to annotate modular states in RAFCON, e.g. skills, with a semantic description, namely a PDDL action. A collection of such skills is then refered to as state pool. The second step is to describe the scenario and the desired goals as a facts file in pddl. In the third step, the plugin is using the facts file and the state pool to generate a domain file, and feed both (the domain and the facts file) into a semantic planner, which plannes a solution. In a last step, the plan, which is the result of the previous process, is used to generate a state machine, which is executable in RAFCON.
Since the annotation step needs to be done once per skill only, this plugin not only allows to build state machines quickly (compared to manual creation), but also ad hoc for different scenarios.