# Diffuse color image
In this example we demonstrate how to render a diffuse color image
## Usage
Execute in the BlenderProc main directory:
blenderproc run examples/advanced/diffuse_color_image/main.py examples/resources/scene.obj examples/advanced/diffuse_color_image/output
* `examples/advanced/diffuse_color_image/main.py`: path to the main python file to run.
* `examples/resources/scene.obj`: path to the object file with the basic scene.
* `examples/advanced/diffuse_color_image/output`: path to the output directory.
## Visualization
Visualize the generated data:
blenderproc vis hdf5 examples/advanced/diffuse_color_image/output/0.hdf5
## Implementation
Enable rendering the diffuse color image, which describes the base color of the textures.