Source code for blenderproc.python.utility.MaterialGetter
""" This module provides functions to filter materials. """
import re
import mathutils
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_materials
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
class MaterialGetter:
""" Filters materials. """
def perform_and_condition_check(and_condition, materials, used_materials_to_check=None):
""" Checks for all materials in the scene if all given conditions are true, collects them in the return list.
:param and_condition: Given conditions. Type: dict.
:param materials: Materials, that are already in the return list. Type: list.
:param used_materials_to_check: a list of materials to perform the check on. Type: list. Default: all materials
:return: Materials that fulfilled given conditions. Type: list.
new_materials = []
if used_materials_to_check is None:
used_materials_to_check = get_all_materials()
# through every material
for material in used_materials_to_check:
if material in new_materials or material in materials or material is None:
select_material = True
for key, value in and_condition.items():
# check if the key is a requested custom property
requested_custom_property = False
requested_custom_function = False
if key.startswith('cp_'):
requested_custom_property = True
key = key[3:]
if key.startswith('cf_'):
requested_custom_function = True
key = key[3:]
if hasattr(material, key) and not requested_custom_property and not requested_custom_function:
# check if the type of the value of attribute matches desired
if isinstance(getattr(material, key), type(value)):
new_value = value
# if not, try to enforce some mathutils-specific type
if isinstance(getattr(material, key), mathutils.Vector):
new_value = mathutils.Vector(value)
elif isinstance(getattr(material, key), mathutils.Euler):
new_value = mathutils.Euler(value)
elif isinstance(getattr(material, key), mathutils.Color):
new_value = mathutils.Color(value)
# raise an exception if it is none of them
raise Exception(f"Types are not matching: {type(getattr(material, key))} "
"and {type(value)} !")
# or check for equality
if not ((isinstance(getattr(material, key), str) and
re.fullmatch(value, getattr(material, key)) is not None)
or getattr(material, key) == new_value):
select_material = False
# check if a custom property with this name exists
elif key in material and requested_custom_property:
# check if the type of the value of such custom property matches desired
if isinstance(material[key], type(value)) or (isinstance(material[key], int)
and isinstance(value, bool)):
# if it is a string and if the whole string matches the given pattern
if not ((isinstance(material[key], str) and re.fullmatch(value, material[key]) is not None) or
material[key] == value):
select_material = False
# raise an exception if not
raise Exception(f"Types are not matching: {type(material[key])} and {type(value)} !")
elif requested_custom_function:
if key.startswith("texture_amount_"):
if material.use_nodes:
value = int(value)
nodes = material.node_tree.nodes
texture_nodes = Utility.get_nodes_with_type(nodes, "TexImage")
amount_of_texture_nodes = len(texture_nodes) if texture_nodes is not None else 0
if "min" in key:
if not amount_of_texture_nodes >= value:
select_material = False
elif "max" in key:
if not amount_of_texture_nodes <= value:
select_material = False
elif "eq" in key:
if not amount_of_texture_nodes == value:
select_material = False
raise Exception(f"This type of key is unknown: {key}")
select_material = False
elif key.startswith("principled_bsdf_amount_"):
if material.use_nodes:
value = int(value)
nodes = material.node_tree.nodes
principled = Utility.get_nodes_with_type(nodes, "BsdfPrincipled")
amount_of_principled_bsdf_nodes = len(principled) if principled is not None else 0
if "min" in key:
if not amount_of_principled_bsdf_nodes >= value:
select_material = False
elif "max" in key:
if not amount_of_principled_bsdf_nodes <= value:
select_material = False
elif "eq" in key:
if not amount_of_principled_bsdf_nodes == value:
select_material = False
raise Exception(f"This type of key is unknown: {key}")
select_material = False
elif key.startswith("principled_bsdf_"): # must be after the amount check
# This custom function can check the value of a certain Principled BSDF shader input.
# For example this can be used to avoid using materials, which have an Alpha Texture by
# adding they key: `"cf_principled_bsdf_Alpha_eq": 1.0`
if material.use_nodes:
value = float(value)
# first check if there is only one Principled BSDF node in the material
nodes = material.node_tree.nodes
principled = Utility.get_nodes_with_type(nodes, "BsdfPrincipled")
amount_of_principled_bsdf_nodes = len(principled) if principled is not None else 0
if amount_of_principled_bsdf_nodes != 1:
select_material = False
principled = principled[0]
# then extract the input name from the key, for the Alpha example: `Alpha`
extracted_input_name = key[len("principled_bsdf_"):key.rfind("_")]
# check if this key exists, else throw an error
if extracted_input_name not in principled.inputs:
raise Exception("Only valid inputs of a principled node are allowed: "
f"{extracted_input_name} in: {key}")
# extract this input value
used_value = principled.inputs[extracted_input_name]
# if this input value is not a default value it will be connected via the links
if len(used_value.links) > 0:
select_material = False
# if no link is found check the default value
used_value = used_value.default_value
# compare the given value to the default value
if key.endswith("min"):
if not used_value >= value:
select_material = False
elif key.endswith("max"):
if not used_value <= value:
select_material = False
elif key.endswith("eq"):
if not used_value == value:
select_material = False
raise Exception(f"This type of key is unknown: {key}")
select_material = False
elif key == "use_materials_of_objects":
objects = Utility.build_provider_based_on_config(value).run()
found_material = False
# iterate over all selected objects
for obj in objects:
# check if they have materials
if hasattr(obj, "material_slots"):
for mat_slot in obj.material_slots:
# if the material is the same as the currently checked one
if mat_slot.material == material:
found_material = True
if found_material:
if not found_material:
select_material = False
select_material = False
select_material = False
if select_material:
return new_materials