""" All mesh objects are captured in this class. """
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Optional
from sys import platform
import warnings
import bpy
import numpy as np
import bmesh
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
from trimesh import Trimesh
from blenderproc.python.types.EntityUtility import Entity
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility, resolve_path
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_blender_mesh_objects
from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
from blenderproc.python.material import MaterialLoaderUtility
if platform != "win32":
# this is only supported under linux and macOS, the import itself already doesn't work under windows
from blenderproc.external.vhacd.decompose import convex_decomposition
class MeshObject(Entity):
Every instance of this class is a mesh which can be rendered in the scene. It can have multiple materials and
different configurations of vertices with faces and edges.
def get_materials(self) -> List[Optional[Material]]:
""" Returns the materials used by the mesh.
:return: A list of materials.
return MaterialLoaderUtility.convert_to_materials(self.blender_obj.data.materials)
def has_materials(self) -> bool:
Returns True if the object has material slots. This does not necessarily mean any `Material` is assigned to it.
:return: True if the object has material slots.
return len(self.blender_obj.data.materials) > 0
def set_material(self, index: int, material: Material):
""" Sets the given material at the given index of the objects material list.
:param index: The index to set the material to.
:param material: The material to set.
self.blender_obj.data.materials[index] = material.blender_obj
def add_material(self, material: Material):
""" Adds a new material to the object.
:param material: The material to add.
def new_material(self, name: str) -> Material:
""" Creates a new material and adds it to the object.
:param name: The name of the new material.
new_mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create(name)
return new_mat
def clear_materials(self):
""" Removes all materials from the object. """
def replace_materials(self, material: bpy.types.Material):
""" Replaces all materials of the object with the given new material.
:param material: A material that should exclusively be used as new material for the object.
# first remove all existing
# add the new one
def get_mesh(self) -> bpy.types.Mesh:
""" Returns the blender mesh of the object.
:return: The mesh.
return self.blender_obj.data
def set_shading_mode(self, mode: str, angle_value: float = 30):
""" Sets the shading mode of all faces of the object.
:param mode: Desired mode of the shading. Available: ["FLAT", "SMOOTH", "AUTO"]. Type: str
:param angle_value: Angle in degrees at which flat shading is activated in `AUTO` mode. Type: float
if mode.lower() == "flat":
is_smooth = False
self.blender_obj.data.use_auto_smooth = False
elif mode.lower() == "smooth":
is_smooth = True
self.blender_obj.data.use_auto_smooth = False
elif mode.lower() == "auto":
is_smooth = True
self.blender_obj.data.use_auto_smooth = True
self.blender_obj.data.auto_smooth_angle = np.deg2rad(angle_value)
raise RuntimeError(f"This shading mode is unknown: {mode}")
for face in self.get_mesh().polygons:
face.use_smooth = is_smooth
def move_origin_to_bottom_mean_point(self):
Moves the object center to bottom of the bounding box in Z direction and also in the middle of the X and Y
plane, which then makes the placement easier.
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = self.blender_obj
bb = self.get_bound_box()
bb_center = np.mean(bb, axis=0)
bb_min_z_value = np.min(bb, axis=0)[2]
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=[-bb_center[0], -bb_center[1], -bb_min_z_value])
def get_bound_box(self, local_coords: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
:return: 8x3 array describing the object aligned bounding box coordinates in world coordinates
if not local_coords:
local2world = Matrix(self.get_local2world_mat())
return np.array([local2world @ Vector(cord) for cord in self.blender_obj.bound_box])
return np.array([Vector(cord) for cord in self.blender_obj.bound_box])
def get_origin(self) -> np.ndarray:
""" Returns the origin of the object.
:return: The origin in world coordinates.
return np.array(self.blender_obj.location.copy())
def set_origin(self, point: Union[list, np.ndarray, Vector] = None, mode: str = "POINT") -> np.ndarray:
""" Sets the origin of the object.
This will not change the appearing pose of the object, as the vertex locations experience the inverse
transformation applied to the origin.
:param point: The point in world coordinates to which the origin should be set. This parameter is only
relevant if mode is set to "POINT".
:param mode: The mode specifying how the origin should be set. Available options are: ["POINT",
:return: The new origin in world coordinates.
context = {"selected_editable_objects": [self.blender_obj]}
if mode == "POINT":
if point is None:
raise Exception("The parameter point is not given even though the mode is set to POINT.")
prev_cursor_location = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location.copy()
bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = point
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(context, type='ORIGIN_CURSOR')
bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = prev_cursor_location.copy()
elif mode == "CENTER_OF_MASS":
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(context, type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_MASS')
elif mode == "CENTER_OF_VOLUME":
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(context, type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_VOLUME')
raise Exception("No such mode: " + mode)
return self.get_origin()
def enable_rigidbody(self, active: bool, collision_shape: str = 'CONVEX_HULL', collision_margin: float = 0.001,
collision_mesh_source: str = "FINAL", mass: Optional[float] = None, mass_factor: float = 1,
friction: float = 0.5, angular_damping: float = 0.1, linear_damping: float = 0.04):
""" Enables the rigidbody component of the object which makes it participate in physics simulations.
:param active: If True, the object actively participates in the simulation and its key frames are ignored.
If False, the object still follows its keyframes and only acts as an obstacle, but is not
influenced by the simulation.
:param collision_shape: Collision shape of object in simulation. Default: 'CONVEX_HULL'. Available: 'BOX',
:param collision_margin: The margin around objects where collisions are already recognized. Higher values
improve stability, but also make objects hover a bit.
:param collision_mesh_source: Source of the mesh used to create collision shape. Default: 'FINAL'. Available:
:param mass: The mass in kilogram the object should have. If None is given the mass is calculated based on
its bounding box volume and the given `mass_factor`.
:param mass_factor: Scaling factor for mass. This is only considered if the given `mass` is None. Defines the
linear function mass=bounding_box_volume*mass_factor (defines material density).
:param friction: Resistance of object to movement.
:param angular_damping: Amount of angular velocity that is lost over time.
:param linear_damping: Amount of linear velocity that is lost over time.
# Enable rigid body component
bpy.ops.rigidbody.object_add({'object': self.blender_obj})
# Sett attributes
rigid_body = self.blender_obj.rigid_body
rigid_body.type = "ACTIVE" if active else "PASSIVE"
rigid_body.collision_shape = collision_shape
rigid_body.collision_margin = collision_margin
rigid_body.use_margin = True
rigid_body.mesh_source = collision_mesh_source
rigid_body.friction = friction
rigid_body.angular_damping = angular_damping
rigid_body.linear_damping = linear_damping
if mass is None:
rigid_body.mass = self.get_bound_box_volume() * mass_factor
rigid_body.mass = mass
def build_convex_decomposition_collision_shape(self, vhacd_path: str, temp_dir: Optional[str] = None,
cache_dir: str = "blenderproc_resources/decomposition_cache"):
""" Builds a collision shape of the object by decomposing it into near convex parts using V-HACD
:param vhacd_path: The directory in which vhacd should be installed or is already installed.
:param temp_dir: The temp dir to use for storing the object files created by v-hacd.
:param cache_dir: If a directory is given, convex decompositions are stored there named after the meshes hash.
If the same mesh is decomposed a second time, the result is loaded from the cache and the
actual decomposition is skipped.
if platform == "win32":
raise Exception("This is currently not supported under Windows")
if temp_dir is None:
temp_dir = Utility.get_temporary_directory()
# Decompose the object
parts = convex_decomposition(self, temp_dir, resolve_path(vhacd_path), cache_dir=resolve_path(cache_dir))
parts = [MeshObject(p) for p in parts]
# Make the convex parts children of this object, enable their rigid body component and hide them
for part in parts:
part.enable_rigidbody(True, "CONVEX_HULL")
def disable_rigidbody(self):
""" Disables the rigidbody element of the object """
if self.has_rigidbody_enabled():
bpy.ops.rigidbody.object_remove({'object': self.blender_obj})
warnings.warn(f"MeshObject {self.get_name()} has no rigid_body component enabled")
def has_rigidbody_enabled(self) -> bool:
""" Checks whether object has rigidbody element enabled
:return: True if object has rigidbody element enabled
return self.get_rigidbody() is not None
def get_rigidbody(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.RigidBodyObject]:
""" Returns the rigid body component
:return: The rigid body component of the object.
return self.blender_obj.rigid_body
def get_bound_box_volume(self) -> float:
""" Gets the volume of the object aligned bounding box.
:return: volume of a bounding box.
bb = self.get_bound_box()
# Search for the point which is the maximum distance away from the first point
# we call this first point min and the furthest away point max
# the vector between the two is a diagonal of the bounding box
min_point, max_point = bb[0], None
max_dist = -1
for point in bb:
dist = np.linalg.norm(point - min_point)
if dist > max_dist:
max_point = point
max_dist = dist
diag = max_point - min_point
# use the diagonal to calculate the volume of the box
return abs(diag[0]) * abs(diag[1]) * abs(diag[2])
def mesh_as_bmesh(self, return_copy=False) -> bmesh.types.BMesh:
""" Returns a bmesh based on the object's mesh.
Independent of return_copy, changes to the returned bmesh only take into effect after calling
:param return_copy: If True, a copy of the objects bmesh will be returned, otherwise the bmesh owned by
blender is returned (the object has to be in edit mode for that).
:return: The bmesh
if return_copy:
bm = bmesh.new()
if bpy.context.mode != "EDIT_MESH":
raise Exception(f"The object: {self.get_name()} is not in EDIT mode before calling mesh_as_bmesh()")
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(self.get_mesh())
return bm
def update_from_bmesh(self, bm: bmesh.types.BMesh, free_bm_mesh=True) -> bmesh.types.BMesh:
""" Updates the object's mesh based on the given bmesh.
:param bm: The bmesh to set.
:param free_bm_mesh: If True and the given bmesh is not owned by blender, it will be deleted in the end.
# If the bmesh is owned by blender
if bm.is_wrapped:
# Just tell the mesh to update itself based on its bmesh
# Set mesh from bmesh
# Optional: Free the bmesh
if free_bm_mesh:
# Make sure the mesh is updated
def join_with_other_objects(self, objects: List["MeshObject"]):
Joins the given list of objects with this object.
Does not change the global selection.
The given object-references become invalid after the join operation.
:param objects: List of objects which will be merged with this object
context = {}
# save selection
context["object"] = context["active_object"] = self.blender_obj
# select all objects which will be merged with the target
context["selected_objects"] = context["selected_editable_objects"] = [obj.blender_obj for obj in objects] + \
# execute the joining operation
def edit_mode(self):
""" Switch into edit mode of this mesh object """
# Make sure we are in object mode
if bpy.context.mode != "OBJECT":
# Set object active (Context overriding does not work for bpy.ops.object.mode_set)
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = self.blender_obj
def object_mode(self):
""" Switch back into object mode """
def create_bvh_tree(self) -> mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree:
""" Builds a bvh tree based on the object's mesh.
:return: The new bvh tree
bm = bmesh.new()
bvh_tree = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm)
return bvh_tree
def position_is_above_object(self, position: Union[Vector, np.ndarray],
down_direction: Union[Vector, np.ndarray] = None, check_no_objects_in_between=True):
""" Make sure the given position is straight above the given object.
If check_no_objects_in_between is True, this also checks that there are no other objects in between.
:param position: The position to check.
:param down_direction: A vector specifying the direction straight down. If None is given, a vector
into -Z direction is used.
:param check_no_objects_in_between: If True, it is also checked that no other objects are in between
position and object.
:return: True, if a ray sent into negative z-direction starting from the position hits the object first.
if down_direction is None:
down_direction = [0, 0, -1]
if check_no_objects_in_between:
# Send a ray straight down and check if the first hit object is the query object
hit, _, _, _, hit_object, _ = scene_ray_cast(position, down_direction)
return hit and hit_object == self
# Compute world-to-local matrix, so we can bring position and down vector into the local coordinate system
world2local = Matrix(np.linalg.inv(self.get_local2world_mat()))
# Send raycast on object (this will ignore all other objects, so we only need to check whether the ray hit)
hit, _, _, _ = self.blender_obj.ray_cast(world2local @ Vector(position),
world2local.to_3x3() @ Vector(down_direction))
return hit
def ray_cast(self, origin: Union[Vector, list, np.ndarray], direction: Union[Vector, list, np.ndarray],
max_distance: float = 1.70141e+38) -> Tuple[bool, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int]:
""" Cast a ray onto evaluated geometry, in object space.
:param origin: Origin of the ray, in object space.
:param direction: Direction of the ray, in object space.
:param max_distance: Maximum distance.
:return: Whether the ray successfully hit the geometry
The hit location of this ray cast, float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf]
The face normal at the ray cast hit location, float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf]
The face index, -1 when original data isn’t available, int in [-inf, inf]
result, location, normal, index = self.blender_obj.ray_cast(Vector(origin), Vector(direction),
return result, np.array(location), np.array(normal), index
def add_uv_mapping(self, projection: str, overwrite: bool = False):
""" Adds a UV mapping to the object based on the given projection type.
:param projection: The kind of projection to use. Available: ["cube, "cylinder", "smart", "sphere"].
:param overwrite: If True, the uv mapping will be changed, even if the object already has an uv mapping.
if not self.has_uv_mapping() or overwrite:
if projection == "cube":
elif projection == "cylinder":
elif projection == "smart":
elif projection == "sphere":
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown projection: '{projection}'. Please use 'cube', 'cylinder', "
f"'smart' or 'sphere'.")
def has_uv_mapping(self):
""" Returns whether the mesh object has a valid uv mapping. """
if len(self.blender_obj.data.uv_layers) > 1:
raise Exception("This only support objects which only have one uv layer.")
for layer in self.blender_obj.data.uv_layers:
max_val = np.max([list(uv_coords.uv) for uv_coords in layer.data])
return max_val > 1e-7
return False
def scale_uv_coordinates(self, factor: float):
"""Scales the UV coordinates of an object by a given factor. Scaling with a factor greater than one has the
effect of making the texture look smaller on the object.
:param factor: The amount the UV coordinates will be scaled.
:type factor: float
if not self.has_uv_mapping():
raise Exception("Cannot scale UV coordinates of a MeshObject that has no UV mapping.")
mesh = self.blender_obj.data
uv_layer = mesh.uv_layers.active
for loop in mesh.loops:
uv_layer.data[loop.index].uv *= factor
def add_displace_modifier(self, texture: bpy.types.Texture, mid_level: float = 0.5, strength: float = 0.1,
min_vertices_for_subdiv: int = 10000, subdiv_level: int = 2):
""" Adds a displace modifier with a texture to an object.
If the mesh has less than min_vertices_for_subdiv vertices, also a subdivision modifier is added.
:param texture: The texture that will be used to displace the vertices.
:param mid_level: Texture value that gives no displacement. Parameter of displace modifier.
:param strength: Amount to displace geometry. Parameter of displace modifier.
:param min_vertices_for_subdiv: Checks if a subdivision is necessary. If the vertices of a object are less than
'min_vertices_for_subdiv' a Subdivision modifier will be add to the object.
:param subdiv_level: Numbers of Subdivisions to perform when rendering. Parameter of Subdivision modifier.
# Add a subdivision modifier, if the mesh has too less vertices.
if not len(self.get_mesh().vertices) > min_vertices_for_subdiv:
self.add_modifier("SUBSURF", render_levels=subdiv_level)
# Add the displacement modifier
self.add_modifier("DISPLACE", texture=texture, mid_level=mid_level, strength=strength)
def add_modifier(self, name: str, **kwargs):
""" Adds a new modifier to the object.
:param name: The name/type of the modifier to add.
:param kwargs: Additional attributes that should be set to the modifier.
# Create the new modifier
bpy.ops.object.modifier_add({"object": self.blender_obj}, type=name)
# Set the attributes
modifier = self.blender_obj.modifiers[-1]
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(modifier, key, value)
def add_geometry_nodes(self):
""" Adds a new geometry nodes modifier to the object.
# Create the new modifier
bpy.ops.node.new_geometry_nodes_modifier({"object": self.blender_obj})
modifier = self.blender_obj.modifiers[-1]
return modifier.node_group
def mesh_as_trimesh(self) -> Trimesh:
""" Returns a trimesh.Trimesh instance of the MeshObject.
:return: The object as trimesh.Trimesh.
# get mesh data
mesh = self.get_mesh()
# get vertices
verts = np.array([[v.co[0], v.co[1], v.co[2]] for v in mesh.vertices])
# check if faces are pure tris or quads
if not all(len(f.vertices[:]) == len(mesh.polygons[0].vertices[:]) for f in mesh.polygons):
raise Exception(f"The mesh {self.get_name()} must have pure triangular or pure quad faces")
# re-scale the vertices since scale operations doesn't apply to the mesh data
verts *= self.blender_obj.scale
# get faces
faces = np.array([f.vertices[:] for f in mesh.polygons if len(f.vertices[:]) in [3, 4]])
return Trimesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces)
def create_from_blender_mesh(blender_mesh: bpy.types.Mesh, object_name: str = None) -> "MeshObject":
""" Creates a new Mesh object using the given blender mesh.
:param blender_mesh: The blender mesh.
:param object_name: The name of the new object. If None is given, the name of the given mesh is used.
:return: The new Mesh object.
# link this mesh inside of a new object
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(blender_mesh.name if object_name is None else object_name, blender_mesh)
# link the object in the collection
return MeshObject(obj)
def create_with_empty_mesh(object_name: str, mesh_name: str = None) -> "MeshObject":
""" Creates an object with an empty mesh.
:param object_name: The name of the new object.
:param mesh_name: The name of the contained blender mesh. If None is given, the object name is used.
:return: The new Mesh object.
if mesh_name is None:
mesh_name = object_name
return create_from_blender_mesh(bpy.data.meshes.new(mesh_name), object_name)
def create_from_point_cloud(points: np.ndarray, object_name: str, add_geometry_nodes_visualization: bool = False) -> "MeshObject":
""" Create a mesh from a point cloud.
The mesh's vertices are filled with the points from the given point cloud.
:param points: The points of the point cloud. Should be in shape [N, 3]
:param object_name: The name of the new object.
:param add_geometry_nodes_visualization: If yes, a geometry nodes modifier is added,
which adds a sphere to every point. In this way,
the point cloud will appear in renderings.
:return: The new Mesh object.
point_cloud = create_with_empty_mesh(object_name)
# Go into mesh edit mode
bm = point_cloud.mesh_as_bmesh()
# Add a vertex for each point
for p, point in enumerate(points):
if not np.isnan(point).any():
# Persist the changes
# If desired, add geometry nodes that add a icosphere instance to every point
if add_geometry_nodes_visualization:
geometry_nodes = point_cloud.add_geometry_nodes()
# Collect all nodes
input_node = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(geometry_nodes.nodes, "NodeGroupInput")
output_node = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(geometry_nodes.nodes, "NodeGroupOutput")
instances_node = geometry_nodes.nodes.new("GeometryNodeInstanceOnPoints")
sphere_node = geometry_nodes.nodes.new("GeometryNodeMeshIcoSphere")
material_node = geometry_nodes.nodes.new("GeometryNodeSetMaterial")
mat = point_cloud.new_material("point_cloud_mat")
mat.set_principled_shader_value("Base Color", [1, 0, 0, 1])
# Link them
sphere_node.inputs["Radius"].default_value = 0.015
material_node.inputs["Material"].default_value = mat.blender_obj
geometry_nodes.links.new(input_node.outputs["Geometry"], instances_node.inputs["Points"])
geometry_nodes.links.new(sphere_node.outputs["Mesh"], instances_node.inputs["Instance"])
geometry_nodes.links.new(instances_node.outputs["Instances"], material_node.inputs["Geometry"])
geometry_nodes.links.new(material_node.outputs["Geometry"], output_node.inputs["Geometry"])
return point_cloud
def create_primitive(shape: str, **kwargs) -> "MeshObject":
""" Creates a new primitive mesh object.
:param shape: The name of the primitive to create. Available: ["CUBE", "CYLINDER", "CONE", "PLANE",
:return: The newly created MeshObject
if shape == "CUBE":
elif shape == "CYLINDER":
elif shape == "CONE":
elif shape == "PLANE":
elif shape == "SPHERE":
elif shape == "MONKEY":
raise Exception("No such shape: " + shape)
primitive = MeshObject(bpy.context.object)
# Blender bug: Scale is ignored by default for planes and monkeys.
# See https://developer.blender.org/T88047
if 'scale' in kwargs and shape in ["MONKEY", "PLANE"]:
return primitive
def convert_to_meshes(blender_objects: list) -> List[MeshObject]:
""" Converts the given list of blender objects to mesh objects
:param blender_objects: List of blender objects.
:return: The list of meshes.
return [MeshObject(obj) for obj in blender_objects]
def get_all_mesh_objects() -> List[MeshObject]:
Returns all mesh objects in scene
:return: List of all MeshObjects
return convert_to_meshes(get_all_blender_mesh_objects())
def disable_all_rigid_bodies():
""" Disables the rigidbody element of all objects """
for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
if obj.has_rigidbody_enabled():
def create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(mesh_objects: List[MeshObject]) -> mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree:
""" Creates a bvh tree which contains multiple mesh objects.
Such a tree is later used for fast raycasting.
:param mesh_objects: The list of mesh objects that should be put into the BVH tree.
:return: The built BVH tree.
# Create bmesh which will contain the meshes of all objects
bm = bmesh.new()
# Go through all mesh objects
for obj in mesh_objects:
# Get a copy of the mesh
mesh = obj.get_mesh().copy()
# Apply world matrix
# Add object mesh to bmesh
# Create tree from bmesh
bvh_tree = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm)
return bvh_tree
def compute_poi(objects: List[MeshObject]) -> np.ndarray:
""" Computes a point of interest in the scene. Point is defined as a location of the one of the selected objects
that is the closest one to the mean location of the bboxes of the selected objects.
:param objects: The list of mesh objects that should be considered.
:return: Point of interest in the scene.
# Init matrix for all points of all bounding boxes
mean_bb_points = []
for obj in objects:
# Get bounding box corners
bb_points = obj.get_bound_box()
# Compute mean coords of bounding box
mean_bb_points.append(np.mean(bb_points, axis=0))
# Query point - mean of means
mean_bb_point = np.mean(mean_bb_points, axis=0)
# Closest point (from means) to query point (mean of means)
poi = mean_bb_points[np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(mean_bb_points - mean_bb_point, axis=1))]
return poi
def scene_ray_cast(origin: Union[Vector, list, np.ndarray], direction: Union[Vector, list, np.ndarray],
max_distance: float = 1.70141e+38) -> Tuple[
bool, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, MeshObject, np.ndarray]:
""" Cast a ray onto all geometry from the scene, in world space.
:param origin: Origin of the ray, in world space.
:param direction: Direction of the ray, in world space.
:param max_distance: Maximum distance.
:return: Whether the ray successfully hit any geometry
The hit location of this ray cast, float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf]
The face normal at the ray cast hit location, float array of 3 items in [-inf, inf]
The face index, -1 when original data isn’t available, int in [-inf, inf]
If any object has been hit, the MeshObject otherwise None.
Some 4x4 matrix.
hit, location, normal, index, hit_object, matrix = bpy.context.scene.ray_cast(bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get(),
Vector(origin), Vector(direction),
if hit_object is not None:
hit_object = MeshObject(hit_object)
return hit, np.array(location), np.array(normal), index, hit_object, np.array(matrix)