Source code for blenderproc.python.sampler.UniformSO3

""" Uniformly samples rotations from SO(3). Allows to limit the rotation around Blender World coordinate axes. """

from typing import List, Optional, Union
import random

import mathutils
import numpy as np

[docs] def uniformSO3(around_x: bool = True, around_y: bool = True, around_z: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """ Uniformly samples rotations from SO(3). Allows to limit the rotation around Blender World coordinate axes. :param around_x: Whether to rotate around X-axis. :param around_y: Whether to rotate around Y-axis. :param around_z: Whether to rotate around Z-axis. :return: Sampled rotation in euler angles. """ # Uniform sampling in full SO3. if around_x and around_y and around_z: quat_rand = _UniformSO3.random_quaternion() euler_rand = mathutils.Quaternion(quat_rand).to_euler() # Uniform sampling of angles around the selected axes. else: def random_angle(): return random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) mat_rand = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(3) if around_x: mat_rand @= mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(random_angle(), 3, 'X') if around_y: mat_rand @= mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(random_angle(), 3, 'Y') if around_z: mat_rand @= mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(random_angle(), 3, 'Z') euler_rand = mat_rand.to_euler() return np.array(euler_rand)
[docs] class _UniformSO3:
[docs] @staticmethod def random_quaternion(rand: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Return uniform random unit quaternion. :param rand: Three independent random variables that are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. :return: Unit quaternion. """ if rand is None: rand = np.random.rand(3) else: assert len(rand) == 3 r1 = np.sqrt(1.0 - rand[0]) r2 = np.sqrt(rand[0]) pi2 = np.pi * 2.0 t1 = pi2 * rand[1] t2 = pi2 * rand[2] return np.array([np.cos(t2) * r2, np.sin(t1) * r1, np.cos(t1) * r1, np.sin(t2) * r2])