"""Provides functionality to render a segmentation image."""
import csv
import os
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Optional, Any
import bpy
import mathutils
import numpy as np
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import load_image, get_all_blender_mesh_objects
from blenderproc.python.material import MaterialLoaderUtility
from blenderproc.python.renderer import RendererUtility
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility, UndoAfterExecution
def render_segmap(output_dir: Optional[str] = None, temp_dir: Optional[str] = None,
map_by: Union[str, List[str]] = "class",
default_values: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, file_prefix: str = "segmap_",
output_key: str = "segmap", segcolormap_output_file_prefix: str = "instance_attribute_map_",
segcolormap_output_key: str = "segcolormap", use_alpha_channel: bool = False,
render_colorspace_size_per_dimension: int = 2048) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]]:
""" Renders segmentation maps for all frames
:param output_dir: The directory to write images to.
:param temp_dir: The directory to write intermediate data to.
:param map_by: The attributes to be used for color mapping.
:param default_values: The default values used for the keys used in attributes, if None is {"class": 0}.
:param file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the images.
:param output_key: The key to use for registering the output.
:param segcolormap_output_file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the segmentation-color map csv.
:param segcolormap_output_key: The key to use for registering the segmentation-color map output.
:param use_alpha_channel: If true, the alpha channel stored in .png textures is used.
:param render_colorspace_size_per_dimension: As we use float16 for storing the rendering, the interval of \
integers which can be precisely stored is [-2048, 2048]. As \
blender does not allow negative values for colors, we use \
[0, 2048] ** 3 as our color space which allows ~8 billion \
different colors/objects. This should be enough.
:return: dict of lists of segmaps and (for instance segmentation) segcolormaps
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = Utility.get_temporary_directory()
if temp_dir is None:
temp_dir = Utility.get_temporary_directory()
if default_values is None:
default_values = {"class": 0}
with UndoAfterExecution():
# the amount of samples must be one and there can not be any noise threshold
RendererUtility.set_light_bounces(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 8, 0)
attributes = map_by
if 'class' in default_values:
default_values['cp_category_id'] = default_values['class']
# Get objects with meshes (i.e. not lights or cameras)
objs_with_mats = get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
result = _colorize_objects_for_instance_segmentation(objs_with_mats, use_alpha_channel,
colors, num_splits_per_dimension, objects = result
bpy.context.scene.cycles.filter_width = 0.0
if use_alpha_channel:
# Determine path for temporary and for final output
temporary_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "seg_")
final_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, file_prefix)
RendererUtility.set_output_format("OPEN_EXR", 16)
RendererUtility.render(temp_dir, "seg_", None, return_data=False)
# Find optimal dtype of output based on max index
for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32]:
optimal_dtype = dtype
if np.iinfo(optimal_dtype).max >= len(colors) - 1:
if isinstance(attributes, str):
# only one result is requested
result_channels = 1
attributes = [attributes]
elif isinstance(attributes, list):
result_channels = len(attributes)
raise RuntimeError(f"The type of this is not supported here: {attributes}")
# define them for the avoid rendering case
there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
list_of_attributes: List[str] = []
# Check if stereo is enabled
if bpy.context.scene.render.use_multiview:
suffixes = ["_L", "_R"]
suffixes = [""]
return_dict: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]] = {}
# After rendering
for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end): # for each rendered frame
save_in_csv_attributes: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
for suffix in suffixes:
file_path = temporary_segmentation_file_path + f"{frame:04d}" + suffix + ".exr"
segmentation = load_image(file_path)
print(file_path, segmentation.shape)
segmap = Utility.map_back_from_equally_spaced_equidistant_values(segmentation,
segmap = segmap.astype(optimal_dtype)
object_ids = np.unique(segmap)
max_id = np.max(object_ids)
if max_id >= len(objects):
raise Exception("There are more object colors than there are objects")
combined_result_map = []
list_of_attributes = []
channels = []
for channel_id in range(result_channels):
num_default_values = 0
resulting_map = np.zeros((segmap.shape[0], segmap.shape[1]), dtype=optimal_dtype)
was_used = False
current_attribute = attributes[channel_id]
org_attribute = current_attribute
# if the class is used the category_id attribute is evaluated
if current_attribute == "class":
current_attribute = "cp_category_id"
# in the instance case the resulting ids are directly used
if current_attribute == "instance":
there_was_an_instance_rendering = True
resulting_map = segmap
was_used = True
if current_attribute != "cp_category_id":
# for the current attribute remove cp_ and _csv, if present
attribute = current_attribute
if attribute.startswith("cp_"):
attribute = attribute[len("cp_"):]
# check if a default value was specified
default_value_set = False
if current_attribute in default_values or attribute in default_values:
default_value_set = True
if current_attribute in default_values:
default_value = default_values[current_attribute]
elif attribute in default_values:
default_value = default_values[attribute]
# iterate over all object ids
for object_id in object_ids:
# Convert np.uint8 to int, such that the save_in_csv_attributes dict can later be serialized
object_id = int(object_id)
# get the corresponding object via the id
current_obj = objects[object_id]
# if the current obj has a attribute with that name -> get it
if hasattr(current_obj, attribute):
value = getattr(current_obj, attribute)
# if the current object has a custom property with that name -> get it
elif current_attribute.startswith("cp_") and attribute in current_obj:
value = current_obj[attribute]
elif current_attribute.startswith("cf_"):
if current_attribute == "cf_basename":
value = current_obj.name
if "." in value:
value = value[:value.rfind(".")]
elif default_value_set:
# if none of the above applies use the default value
value = default_value
num_default_values += 1
# if the requested current_attribute is not a custom property or an attribute
# or there is a default value stored
# it throws an exception
raise RuntimeError(f"The obj: {current_obj.name} does not have the "
f"attribute: {current_attribute}, striped: {attribute}. "
f"Maybe try a default value.")
# save everything which is not instance also in the .csv
if isinstance(value, (int, float, np.integer, np.floating)):
was_used = True
resulting_map[segmap == object_id] = value
if object_id in save_in_csv_attributes:
save_in_csv_attributes[object_id][attribute] = value
save_in_csv_attributes[object_id] = {attribute: value}
if was_used and num_default_values < len(object_ids):
return_dict.setdefault(f"{org_attribute}_segmaps{suffix}", []).append(resulting_map)
fname = final_segmentation_file_path + f"{frame:04d}" + suffix
# combine all resulting images to one image
resulting_map = np.stack(combined_result_map, axis=2)
# remove the unneeded third dimension
if resulting_map.shape[2] == 1:
resulting_map = resulting_map[:, :, 0]
# TODO: Remove unnecessary save when we give up backwards compatibility
np.save(fname, resulting_map)
if there_was_an_instance_rendering:
mappings = []
for object_id, attribute_dict in save_in_csv_attributes.items():
mappings.append({"idx": object_id, **attribute_dict})
return_dict.setdefault("instance_attribute_maps", []).append(mappings)
# write color mappings to file
# TODO: Remove unnecessary csv file when we give up backwards compatibility
csv_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, segcolormap_output_file_prefix + f"{frame:04d}.csv")
with open(csv_file_path, 'w', newline='', encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
# get from the first element the used field names
fieldnames = ["idx"]
# get all used object element keys
for object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.values():
for channel_name in channels:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
# save for each object all values in one row
for obj_idx, object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.items():
object_element["idx"] = obj_idx
for i, channel_name in enumerate(channels):
object_element[f"channel_{channel_name}"] = i
if len(list_of_attributes) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"There were attributes specified in the may_by, which could not be saved as "
f"there was no \"instance\" may_by key used. This is true for this/these "
f"keys: {', '.join(list_of_attributes)}")
# if there was no instance rendering no .csv file is generated!
# delete all saved info about .csv
save_in_csv_attributes = {}
Utility.register_output(output_dir, file_prefix, output_key, ".npy", "2.0.0")
if save_in_csv_attributes:
return return_dict
def _colorize_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, color: mathutils.Vector, use_alpha_channel: bool):
""" Adjusts the materials of the given object, s.t. they are ready for rendering the seg map.
This is done by replacing all nodes just with an emission node, which emits the color corresponding to the
category of the object.
:param obj: The object to use.
:param color: RGB array of a color in the range of [0, self.render_colorspace_size_per_dimension].
:param use_alpha_channel: If true, the alpha channel stored in .png textures is used.
# Create new material emitting the given color
new_mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name="segmentation")
new_mat.use_nodes = True
# sampling as light,conserves memory, by not keeping a reference to it for multiple importance sampling.
# This shouldn't change the results because with an emission of 1 the colorized objects aren't emitting light.
# Also, BlenderProc's segmap render settings are configured so that there is only a single sample to distribute,
# multiple importance shouldn't affect the noise of the render anyway.
# This fixes issue #530
new_mat.cycles.sample_as_light = False
nodes = new_mat.node_tree.nodes
links = new_mat.node_tree.links
emission_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeEmission')
output = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(nodes, 'OutputMaterial')
emission_node.inputs['Color'].default_value[:3] = color
links.new(emission_node.outputs['Emission'], output.inputs['Surface'])
# Set material to be used for coloring all faces of the given object
if len(obj.material_slots) > 0:
for i, material_slot in enumerate(obj.material_slots):
if use_alpha_channel:
obj.data.materials[i] = MaterialLoaderUtility.add_alpha_texture_node(material_slot.material,
obj.data.materials[i] = new_mat
def _set_world_background_color(color: List[float]):
""" Set the background color of the blender world object.
:param color: A 3-dim list containing the background color.
if len(color) != 3:
raise Exception("The given color has to be three dimensional.")
nodes = bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.nodes
links = bpy.context.scene.world.node_tree.links
background_node = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(nodes, "Background")
# Unlink any incoming link that would overwrite the default value
if len(background_node.inputs['Color'].links) > 0:
# Set strength to 1 as it would act as a multiplier
background_node.inputs['Strength'].default_value = 1
background_node.inputs['Color'].default_value = color + [1]
# Make sure the background node is connected to the output node
output_node = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(nodes, "Output")
links.new(background_node.outputs["Background"], output_node.inputs["Surface"])
def _colorize_objects_for_instance_segmentation(objects: List[bpy.types.Object], use_alpha_channel: bool,
render_colorspace_size_per_dimension: int) \
-> Tuple[List[List[int]], int, List[bpy.types.Object]]:
""" Sets a different color to each object.
:param objects: A list of objects.
:param use_alpha_channel: If true, the alpha channel stored in .png textures is used.
:param render_colorspace_size_per_dimension: The limit of the colorspace to use per dimension for generating colors.
:return: The num_splits_per_dimension of the spanned color space, the color map
# + 1 for the background
colors, num_splits_per_dimension = Utility.generate_equidistant_values(len(objects) + 1,
# this list maps ids in the image back to the objects
color_map = []
# Set world background label, which is always label zero
color_map.append(bpy.context.scene.world) # add the world background as an object to this list
for idx, obj in enumerate(objects):
_colorize_object(obj, colors[idx + 1], use_alpha_channel)
return colors, num_splits_per_dimension, color_map