"""Provides the functionality to add a dust effect to a material."""
import warnings
from typing import List
import random
import bpy
from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
def add_dust(material: Material, strength: float, texture_nodes: List[bpy.types.Texture] = None,
texture_scale: float = 0.1):
""" Adds a dust film to the material, where the strength determines how much dust is used.
This will be added right before the output of the material.
:param material: Used material
:param strength: This determines the strength of the dust, 0 means no dust 1.0 means full dust. Values above 1.0 are
possible, but create a thick film out of dust, which hides the material completely.
:param texture_nodes: If a specific dust texture should be used, this can be specified. If this is empty a random
noise texture is generated.
:param texture_scale: This scale is used to scale down the used noise texture (even for the case where a random
noise texture is used).
group_node = material.new_node("ShaderNodeGroup")
group_node.width = 250
group = bpy.data.node_groups.new(name="Dust Material", type="ShaderNodeTree")
group_node.node_tree = group
nodes, links = group.nodes, group.links
# define start locations and differences, to make the debugging easier
x_pos, x_diff = -(250 * 4), 250
y_pos, y_diff = (x_diff * 1), x_diff
# Extract the normal for the current material location
geometry_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeNewGeometry')
geometry_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 0
geometry_node.location.y = y_pos
# this node clips the values, to avoid negative values in the usage below
clip_mix_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMixRGB")
clip_mix_node.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 1.0
clip_mix_node.use_clamp = True
clip_mix_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 1
clip_mix_node.location.y = y_pos
links.new(geometry_node.outputs["Normal"], clip_mix_node.inputs["Color2"])
# use only the z component
separate_z_normal = nodes.new("ShaderNodeSeparateRGB")
separate_z_normal.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 2
separate_z_normal.location.y = y_pos
links.new(clip_mix_node.outputs["Color"], separate_z_normal.inputs["Image"])
# this layer weight adds a small fresnel around the object, which makes it more realistic
layer_weight = nodes.new("ShaderNodeLayerWeight")
layer_weight.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 2
layer_weight.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 1
layer_weight.inputs["Blend"].default_value = 0.5
# combine it with the z component
mix_with_layer_weight = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMixRGB")
mix_with_layer_weight.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 3
mix_with_layer_weight.location.y = y_pos
mix_with_layer_weight.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 0.2
links.new(separate_z_normal.outputs["B"], mix_with_layer_weight.inputs["Color1"])
links.new(layer_weight.outputs["Facing"], mix_with_layer_weight.inputs["Color2"])
# add a gamma node, to scale the colors correctly
gamma_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeGamma")
gamma_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 4
gamma_node.location.y = y_pos
gamma_node.inputs["Gamma"].default_value = 2.2
links.new(mix_with_layer_weight.outputs["Color"], gamma_node.inputs["Color"])
# use an overlay node to combine it with the texture result
overlay = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMixRGB")
overlay.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 5
overlay.location.y = y_pos
overlay.blend_type = "OVERLAY"
overlay.inputs["Fac"].default_value = 1.0
links.new(gamma_node.outputs["Color"], overlay.inputs["Color1"])
# add a multiply node to scale down or up the strength of the dust
multiply_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMath")
multiply_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 6
multiply_node.location.y = y_pos
multiply_node.inputs[1].default_value = strength
multiply_node.operation = "MULTIPLY"
links.new(overlay.outputs["Color"], multiply_node.inputs[0])
# add texture coords to make the scaling of the dust texture possible
texture_coords = nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexCoord")
texture_coords.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 0
texture_coords.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 2
mapping_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMapping")
mapping_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 1
mapping_node.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 2
mapping_node.vector_type = "TEXTURE"
scale_value = texture_scale
mapping_node.inputs["Scale"].default_value = [scale_value] * 3
links.new(texture_coords.outputs["UV"], mapping_node.inputs["Vector"])
# check if a texture should be used
if texture_nodes is not None and texture_nodes:
texture_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexImage")
texture_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 2
texture_node.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 2
texture_node.image = random.choice(texture_nodes).image
links.new(mapping_node.outputs["Vector"], texture_node.inputs["Vector"])
links.new(texture_node.outputs["Color"], overlay.inputs["Color2"])
if not texture_nodes:
warnings.warn("No texture was found, check the config. Random generated texture is used.")
# if no texture is used, we great a random noise pattern, which is used instead
noise_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeTexNoise")
noise_node.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 2
noise_node.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 2
# this determines the pattern of the dust flakes, a high scale makes them small enough to look like dust
noise_node.inputs["Scale"].default_value = 250.0
noise_node.inputs["Detail"].default_value = 0.0
noise_node.inputs["Roughness"].default_value = 0.0
noise_node.inputs["Distortion"].default_value = 1.9
links.new(mapping_node.outputs["Vector"], noise_node.inputs["Vector"])
# this noise_node produces RGB colors, we only need one value in this instance red
separate_r_channel = nodes.new("ShaderNodeSeparateRGB")
separate_r_channel.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 3
separate_r_channel.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 2
links.new(noise_node.outputs["Color"], separate_r_channel.inputs["Image"])
# as the produced noise image has a nice fading to it, we use a color ramp to create dust flakes
color_ramp = nodes.new("ShaderNodeValToRGB")
color_ramp.location.x = x_pos + x_diff * 4
color_ramp.location.y = y_pos - y_diff * 2
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.4
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[0].color = [1, 1, 1, 1]
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.46
color_ramp.color_ramp.elements[1].color = [0, 0, 0, 1]
links.new(separate_r_channel.outputs["R"], color_ramp.inputs["Fac"])
links.new(color_ramp.outputs["Color"], overlay.inputs["Color2"])
# combine the previous color with the new dust mode
mix_shader = nodes.new("ShaderNodeMixShader")
mix_shader.location = (x_pos + x_diff * 8, y_pos)
links.new(multiply_node.outputs["Value"], mix_shader.inputs["Fac"])
# add a bsdf node for the dust, this will be used to actually give the dust a color
dust_color = nodes.new("ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
dust_color.location = (x_pos + x_diff * 6, y_pos - y_diff)
# the used dust color is a grey with a tint in orange
dust_color.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = [0.8, 0.773, 0.7, 1.0]
dust_color.inputs["Roughness"].default_value = 1.0
dust_color.inputs["Specular"].default_value = 0.0
links.new(dust_color.outputs["BSDF"], mix_shader.inputs[2])
# create the input and output nodes inside of the group
group_output = nodes.new("NodeGroupOutput")
group_output.location = (x_pos + x_diff * 9, y_pos)
group_input = nodes.new("NodeGroupInput")
group_input.location = (x_pos + x_diff * 7, y_pos - y_diff * 0.5)
# create sockets for the outside of the group match them to the mix shader
group.outputs.new(mix_shader.outputs[0].bl_idname, mix_shader.outputs[0].name)
group.inputs.new(mix_shader.inputs[1].bl_idname, mix_shader.inputs[1].name)
group.inputs.new(multiply_node.inputs[1].bl_idname, "Dust strength")
group.inputs.new(mapping_node.inputs["Scale"].bl_idname, "Texture scale")
# link the input and output to the mix shader
links.new(group_input.outputs[0], mix_shader.inputs[1])
links.new(mix_shader.outputs[0], group_output.inputs[0])
links.new(group_input.outputs["Dust strength"], multiply_node.inputs[1])
links.new(group_input.outputs["Texture scale"], mapping_node.inputs["Scale"])
# remove the connection between the output and the last node and put the mix shader in between
node_connected_to_the_output, material_output = material.get_node_connected_to_the_output_and_unlink_it()
# place the group node above the material output
group_node.location = (material_output.location.x - x_diff, material_output.location.y + y_diff)
# connect the dust group
material.link(node_connected_to_the_output.outputs[0], group_node.inputs[0])
material.link(group_node.outputs[0], material_output.inputs["Surface"])
# set the default values
group_node.inputs["Dust strength"].default_value = strength
group_node.inputs["Texture scale"].default_value = [texture_scale] * 3