"""Loading URDF files."""
from typing import List, Union, Optional
import os
import warnings
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
import numpy as np
import bpy
from blenderproc.python.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility
from blenderproc.python.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_materials
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import Utility
from blenderproc.python.loader.ObjectLoader import load_obj
from blenderproc.python.material import MaterialLoaderUtility
from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, create_primitive
from blenderproc.python.types.URDFUtility import URDFObject
from blenderproc.python.types.LinkUtility import Link
from blenderproc.python.types.InertialUtility import Inertial
from blenderproc.python.filter.Filter import one_by_attr
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import create_with_empty_mesh
from blenderproc.python.types.BoneUtility import set_location_constraint, set_rotation_constraint, \
def load_urdf(urdf_file: str, weight_distribution: str = 'rigid',
fk_offset: Optional[Union[List[float], Vector, np.array]] = None,
ik_offset: Optional[Union[List[float], Vector, np.array]] = None) -> URDFObject:
""" Loads an urdf object from an URDF file.
:param urdf_file: Path to the URDF file.
:param weight_distribution: One of ['envelope', 'automatic', 'rigid']. For more information please see
:param fk_offset: Offset between fk (forward kinematic) bone chain and link bone chain. This does not have any
effect on the transformations, but can be useful for visualization in blender.
:param ik_offset: Offset between ik (inverse kinematic) bone chain and link bone chain. Effects on the
transformation (e.g. `urdf_object.set_location_ik()`) are being handled internally. Useful for
visualization in blender.
:return: URDF object instance.
# install urdfpy
# This import is done inside to avoid having the requirement that BlenderProc depends on urdfpy
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from urdfpy import URDF
# pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
if fk_offset is None:
fk_offset = [0., -1., 0.]
if ik_offset is None:
ik_offset = [0., 1., 0.]
# load urdf tree representation
urdf_tree = URDF.load(urdf_file)
# create new empty armature
armature = bpy.context.active_object
armature.name = urdf_tree.name
# remove initially created bone
# recursively create bones, starting at the base bone(s)
base_joints = get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(urdf_tree.base_link.name, urdf_tree.joints)
for base_joint in base_joints:
create_bone(armature, base_joint, urdf_tree.joints, parent_bone_name=None, create_recursive=True,
fk_offset=fk_offset, ik_offset=ik_offset)
# load links
links = load_links(urdf_tree.links, urdf_tree.joints, armature, urdf_path=urdf_file)
# propagate poses through the links
for base_joint in base_joints:
propagate_pose(links, base_joint, urdf_tree.joints, armature)
# parent links with the bone
for link in links:
# set to forward kinematics per default
for link in links:
urdf_object = URDFObject(armature, links=links, xml_tree=urdf_tree)
# hide all inertial and collision objects per default
return urdf_object
def get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(link_name: str, joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"]) -> List["urdfpy.Joint"]:
""" Returns a list of joints which have a specific link as parent.
:param link_name: Name of the link.
:param joint_trees: List of urdfpy.Joint objects.
:return: List of urdfpy.Joint objects.
return [joint_tree for i, joint_tree in enumerate(joint_trees) if joint_tree.parent == link_name]
def get_joints_which_have_link_as_child(link_name: str, joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"]) -> Optional["urdfpy.Joint"]:
""" Returns the joint which is the parent of a specific link.
:param link_name: Name of the link.
:param joint_trees: List of urdfpy.Joint objects.
:return: List of urdfpy.Joint objects, or None if no joint is defined as parent for the respective link.
valid_joint_trees = [joint_tree for i, joint_tree in enumerate(joint_trees) if joint_tree.child == link_name]
if not valid_joint_trees: # happens for the very first link
warnings.warn(f"WARNING: There is no joint defined for the link {link_name}!")
return None
if len(valid_joint_trees) == 1:
return valid_joint_trees[0]
raise NotImplementedError(f"More than one ({len(valid_joint_trees)}) joints map onto a single link with name "
def create_bone(armature: bpy.types.Armature, joint_tree: "urdfpy.Joint", all_joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"],
parent_bone_name: Optional[str] = None, create_recursive: bool = True,
parent_origin: Optional[Matrix] = None,
fk_offset: Union[List[float], Vector, np.array] = None,
ik_offset: Union[List[float], Vector, np.array] = None):
""" Creates deform, fk and ik bone for a specific joint. Can loop recursively through the child(ren).
:param armature: The armature which encapsulates all bones.
:param joint_tree: The urdf definition for the joint.
:param all_joint_trees: List of urdf definitions for all joints.
:param parent_bone_name: Name of the parent bone.
:param create_recursive: Whether to recursively create bones for the child(ren) of the link.
:param parent_origin: Pose of the parent.
:param fk_offset: Offset between fk bone chain and link bone chain. This does not have any effect on the
transformations, but can be useful for visualization in blender.
:param ik_offset: Offset between fk bone chain and link bone chain. Effects on the transformation (e.g.
`urdf_object.set_location_ik()`) are being handled internally. Useful for visualization in
if fk_offset is None:
fk_offset = [0., -1., 0.]
if ik_offset is None:
ik_offset = [0., 1., 0.]
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
# create initial bone
edit_bones = armature.data.edit_bones
editbone = edit_bones.new(joint_tree.name)
origin = joint_tree.origin
if parent_origin is not None:
origin = parent_origin @ origin
axis = Matrix(origin[:3, :3]) @ Vector(joint_tree.axis)
editbone.head = Vector(origin[:3, -1])
editbone.tail = editbone.head + axis.normalized() * 0.2
if parent_bone_name is not None:
parent_bone = edit_bones.get(parent_bone_name)
editbone.parent = parent_bone
# create fk bone
fk_editbone = edit_bones.new(joint_tree.name + '.fk')
axis = Matrix(origin[:3, :3]) @ Vector(joint_tree.axis)
fk_editbone.head = Vector(origin[:3, -1]) + Vector(fk_offset)
fk_editbone.tail = fk_editbone.head + axis.normalized() * 0.2
if parent_bone_name is not None:
parent_bone = edit_bones.get(parent_bone_name + '.fk')
fk_editbone.parent = parent_bone
# create ik bone
ik_editbone = edit_bones.new(joint_tree.name + '.ik')
axis = Matrix(origin[:3, :3]) @ Vector(joint_tree.axis)
ik_editbone.head = Vector(origin[:3, -1]) + Vector(ik_offset)
ik_editbone.tail = ik_editbone.head + axis.normalized() * 0.2
if parent_bone_name is not None:
parent_bone = edit_bones.get(parent_bone_name + '.ik')
ik_editbone.parent = parent_bone
bone_name = editbone.name
fk_bone_name = fk_editbone.name
ik_bone_name = ik_editbone.name
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
# derive posebones for constraints
bone = armature.pose.bones[bone_name]
fk_bone = armature.pose.bones[fk_bone_name]
ik_bone = armature.pose.bones[ik_bone_name]
# set rotation mode
bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
fk_bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
ik_bone.rotation_mode = "XYZ"
# manage constraints
if joint_tree.joint_type == "fixed":
set_location_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
elif joint_tree.joint_type == "revolute":
limits = None
if joint_tree.limit is not None:
limits = np.array([joint_tree.limit.lower, joint_tree.limit.upper])
set_location_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_location_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0., 0.], y_limits=[0., 0.], z_limits=[0., 0.])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, x_limits=[0, 0], y_limits=limits, z_limits=[0, 0])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=fk_bone, x_limits=[0, 0], y_limits=limits, z_limits=[0, 0])
set_rotation_constraint(bone=ik_bone, x_limits=[0, 0], y_limits=limits, z_limits=[0, 0])
set_copy_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, target=armature, target_bone=fk_bone.name,
set_copy_rotation_constraint(bone=bone, target=armature, target_bone=ik_bone.name,
influence=0.) # start in fk mode per default
warnings.warn(f"WARNING: No constraint implemented for joint type '{joint_tree.joint_type}'!")
if create_recursive:
child_joints = get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(link_name=joint_tree.child, joint_trees=all_joint_trees)
for child_joint in child_joints:
create_bone(armature, child_joint, all_joint_trees, parent_bone_name=bone.name, create_recursive=True,
parent_origin=origin, fk_offset=fk_offset, ik_offset=ik_offset)
def load_links(link_trees: List["urdfpy.Link"], joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"], armature: bpy.types.Armature,
urdf_path: str) -> List[Link]:
""" Loads links and their visual, collision and inertial objects from a list of urdfpy.Link objects.
:param link_trees: List of urdf definitions for all links.
:param joint_trees: List of urdf definitions for all joints.
:param armature: The armature which encapsulates all bones.
:param urdf_path: Path to the URDF file.
:return: List of links.
links = []
for link_tree in link_trees:
visuals, collisions, inertial = [], [], None
if link_tree.visuals:
visuals = [load_visual_collision_obj(visual_tree, name=f"{link_tree.name}_visual", urdf_path=urdf_path)
for visual_tree in link_tree.visuals]
if link_tree.collisions:
collisions = [load_visual_collision_obj(collision_tree, name=f"{link_tree.name}_collision",
for collision_tree in link_tree.collisions]
if link_tree.inertial:
inertial = load_inertial(link_tree.inertial, name=f"{link_tree.name}_inertial")
# determine bone name
corresponding_joint = get_joints_which_have_link_as_child(link_tree.name, joint_trees)
# create link and set attributes
link = Link(bpy_object=create_with_empty_mesh(link_tree.name).blender_obj)
link.set_visual_local2link_mats([Matrix(obj.get_local2world_mat()) for obj in visuals])
link.set_collision_local2link_mats([Matrix(obj.get_local2world_mat()) for obj in collisions])
link.set_inertial_local2link_mat(Matrix(inertial.get_local2world_mat()) if inertial is not None else None)
# if there exists a joint also set the corresponding bones to the link
if corresponding_joint is not None:
link.set_fk_bone(armature.pose.bones.get(corresponding_joint.name + '.fk'))
link.set_ik_bone(armature.pose.bones.get(corresponding_joint.name + '.ik'))
return links
def propagate_pose(links: List[Link], joint_tree: "urdfpy.Joint", joint_trees: List["urdfpy.Joint"],
armature: bpy.types.Armature, recursive: bool = True):
""" Loads links and their visual, collision and inertial objects from a list of urdfpy.Link objects.
:param links: List of links.
:param joint_tree: The urdf definition for the joint.
:param joint_trees: List of urdf definitions for all joints.
:param armature: The armature which encapsulates all bones.
:param recursive: Whether to recursively create bones for the child(ren) of the link.
child_link = one_by_attr(elements=links, attr_name="name", value=joint_tree.child)
parent_link = one_by_attr(elements=links, attr_name="name", value=joint_tree.parent)
# determine full transformation matrix
mat = Matrix(parent_link.get_local2world_mat()) @ Matrix(joint_tree.origin)
for obj in child_link.get_all_objs():
obj.set_local2world_mat(Matrix(child_link.get_local2world_mat()) @ Matrix(obj.get_local2world_mat()))
# set link2bone mat
if child_link.bone is not None:
child_link.set_link2bone_mat(mat.inverted() @ child_link.bone.matrix)
if recursive:
child_joint_trees = get_joints_which_have_link_as_parent(child_link.get_name(), joint_trees)
for child_joint_tree in child_joint_trees:
propagate_pose(links, child_joint_tree, joint_trees, armature, recursive=True)
def load_geometry(geometry_tree: "urdfpy.Geometry", urdf_path: Optional[str] = None) -> MeshObject:
""" Loads a geometric element from an urdf tree.
:param geometry_tree: The urdf representation of the geometric element.
:param urdf_path: Optional path of the urdf file for relative geometry files.
:return: The respective MeshObject.
if geometry_tree.mesh is not None:
if os.path.isfile(geometry_tree.mesh.filename):
obj = load_obj(filepath=geometry_tree.mesh.filename)[0]
elif urdf_path is not None and os.path.isfile(urdf_path):
relative_path = os.path.join('/'.join(urdf_path.split('/')[:-1]), geometry_tree.mesh.filename)
if os.path.isfile(relative_path):
# load in default coordinate system
obj = load_obj(filepath=relative_path, forward_axis='Y', up_axis='Z')[0]
warnings.warn(f"Couldn't load mesh file for {geometry_tree} (filename: {geometry_tree.mesh.filename}; "
f"urdf filename: {urdf_path})")
raise NotImplementedError(f"Couldn't load mesh file for {geometry_tree} (filename: "
elif geometry_tree.box is not None:
obj = create_primitive(shape="CUBE")
obj.blender_obj.dimensions = Vector(geometry_tree.box.size)
elif geometry_tree.cylinder is not None:
obj = create_primitive(shape="CYLINDER", radius=geometry_tree.cylinder.radius,
elif geometry_tree.sphere is not None:
obj = create_primitive(shape="SPHERE", radius=geometry_tree.sphere.radius)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown geometry in urdf_tree {geometry_tree}")
obj.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
return obj
def load_visual_collision_obj(viscol_tree: Union["urdfpy.Visual", "urdfpy.Collision"], name: str,
urdf_path: Optional[str] = None) -> MeshObject:
""" Loads a visual / collision element from an urdf tree.
:param viscol_tree: The urdf representation of the visual / collision element.
:param name: Name of the visual / collision element.
:param urdf_path: Optional path of the urdf file for relative geometry files.
:return: The respective MeshObject.
obj = load_geometry(viscol_tree.geometry, urdf_path=urdf_path)
if hasattr(viscol_tree, "name") and viscol_tree.name is not None:
name = viscol_tree.name
# load material - only valid for visuals
if hasattr(viscol_tree, "material") and viscol_tree.material is not None:
# clear all existing materials
# check if material exists
if viscol_tree.material.name in [m.name for m in get_all_materials()]:
mat = bpy.data.materials[viscol_tree.material.name]
mat = Material(mat)
# create a new material
mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create(name=viscol_tree.material.name)
# create a principled node and set the default color
principled_node = mat.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled")
color = viscol_tree.material.color
if color is None:
color = Vector([1., 1., 1., 1.])
principled_node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = color
# check for textures
if viscol_tree.material.texture is not None:
# image should've been loaded automatically
mat = MaterialLoaderUtility.create(name=viscol_tree.material.name + "_texture")
nodes = mat.nodes
links = mat.links
color_image = nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage')
if not os.path.exists(viscol_tree.material.texture.filename):
raise Exception(f"Couldn't load texture image for {viscol_tree} from "
color_image.image = bpy.data.images.load(viscol_tree.material.texture.filename, check_existing=True)
principled = Utility.get_the_one_node_with_type(nodes, "BsdfPrincipled")
links.new(color_image.outputs["Color"], principled.inputs["Base Color"])
# set the pose of the object
origin = Matrix.Identity(4)
if hasattr(viscol_tree, "origin"):
origin = Matrix(viscol_tree.origin)
# set scale of the mesh
scale = get_size_from_geometry(viscol_tree.geometry)
if scale is not None:
obj.set_scale([scale, scale, scale])
obj.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True)
return obj
def load_inertial(inertial_tree: "urdfpy.Inertial", name: str) -> Inertial:
""" Loads an inertial element from an urdf tree.
:param inertial_tree: The urdf representation of the inertial element.
:param name: Name if the inertial element.
:return: The respective Inertial object.
# create new primitive
primitive = create_primitive(shape="CUBE")
inertial = Inertial(primitive.blender_obj)
# set inertial-specific attributes
primitive.blender_obj.dimensions = Vector([0.03, 0.03, 0.03]) # just small values to keep cubes small for debugging
primitive.persist_transformation_into_mesh(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
return inertial
def get_size_from_geometry(geometry: "urdfpy.Geometry") -> Optional[float]:
""" Helper to derive the link size from the largest geometric element.
:param geometry: The urdf representation of the geometric element.
:return: A single float representing the link's size.
if geometry.box is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.size)
if geometry.cylinder is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.radius, geometry.geometry.length)
if geometry.mesh is not None:
if hasattr(geometry.geometry, "scale") and geometry.geometry.scale is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.scale)
if hasattr(geometry.geometry, "size") and geometry.geometry.size is not None:
return max(geometry.geometry.size)
return None
if geometry.sphere is not None:
return geometry.geometry.radius
print(f"Warning: Failed to derive size from geometry model {geometry}. Setting scale to 0.2!")
return None