""" Loader for the Matterport3D dataset. """
import random
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional
from pathlib import Path
from blenderproc.python.loader.ObjectLoader import load_obj
from blenderproc.python.object.FaceSlicer import slice_faces_with_normals
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject
def load_matterport3d(data_folder: Union[Path, str], used_house_id: Optional[str] = None,
compare_floor_angle_in_degrees: float = 15.0) -> Tuple[MeshObject, MeshObject]:
Load a scene from the Matterport3D dataset.
:param data_folder: Path to the downloaded Matterport3D dataset, please use `blenderproc download matterport`
:param used_house_id: A possible used_house_id for example: "X7HyMhZNoso" or "Z6MFQCViBuw", if None is given a
random one is selected
:param compare_floor_angle_in_degrees: The angle which is used to check if a face is pointing upwards, all faces
pointing upwards are used to extract the floor object
:return: The general scene and the floor object as a tuple of `MeshObject`
data_folder = Path(data_folder)
if not data_folder.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("The Matterport3D data folder must exist!")
all_object_files = list(data_folder.glob("**/*.obj"))
# the aayBHfsNo7d id can not be read by blender and is therefore remove
all_object_files = [object_file for object_file in all_object_files if "aayBHfsNo7d" not in str(object_file)]
if used_house_id is not None:
loaded_house_file = [object_file for object_file in all_object_files if used_house_id in str(object_file)]
if not loaded_house_file:
raise ValueError(f"The used house id: {used_house_id} does not appear in the downloaded .obj files!")
if len(loaded_house_file) == 1:
loaded_house_file = loaded_house_file[0]
raise ValueError(f"The used house id: {used_house_id} does appear more than once in the downloaded "
f".obj files!")
loaded_house_file = random.choice(all_object_files)
loaded_obj = load_obj(str(loaded_house_file), forward_axis="Y")
if len(loaded_obj) == 1:
obj = loaded_obj[0]
raise RuntimeError(f"At this point only one object should be loaded, not more or less: {len(loaded_obj)}")
# replace all BSDF materials with background materials, to avoid that any light is cast on the objects
for material in obj.get_materials():
principled_bsdf = material.get_the_one_node_with_type("BsdfPrincipled")
textures = material.get_the_one_node_with_type("ShaderNodeTexImage")
background_color_node = material.new_node("ShaderNodeBackground")
material.link(textures.outputs["Color"], background_color_node.inputs["Color"])
output_node = material.get_the_one_node_with_type("OutputMaterial")
material.link(background_color_node.outputs["Background"], output_node.inputs["Surface"])
# split away the floor object
floor_obj = slice_faces_with_normals(obj, compare_angle_degrees=compare_floor_angle_in_degrees)
return obj, floor_obj