Source code for

""" This module provides functionality to sample a spotlight, which intersects with the current camera frustum,
without being inside the camera frustum.

from typing import Optional, Callable

import bpy
import numpy as np

from import get_camera_frustum, is_point_inside_camera_frustum, \
    get_camera_pose, rotation_from_forward_vec
from blenderproc.python.sampler.PartSphere import part_sphere
from blenderproc.python.types.LightUtility import Light
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import create_bvh_tree_multi_objects, get_all_mesh_objects
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import KeyFrame

[docs] def _default_light_pose_sampling(frustum_vertices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Samples a new spotlight pose based on the camera frustum vertices. :param frustum_vertices: The eight 3D coordinates of the camera frustum :return: The newly sampled 3D spotlight pose """ middle_frustum_point = np.mean(frustum_vertices, axis=0) cube_diag = np.linalg.norm(np.max(frustum_vertices, axis=0) - np.min(frustum_vertices, axis=0)) * 0.5 sampled_light_pose = part_sphere(middle_frustum_point, radius=np.random.uniform(cube_diag * 0.01, cube_diag * 0.75), mode="SURFACE") return sampled_light_pose
[docs] def _default_look_at_pose_sampling(frustum_vertices: np.ndarray, _sampled_light_pose: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ This function samples the default look at location and is used inside the `add_intersecting_spot_lights_to_camera_poses`. :param frustum_vertices: The eight 3D coordinates of the camera frustum :param _sampled_light_pose: The currently sampled light pose :return: A new 3D look at pose """ middle_frustum_point = np.mean(frustum_vertices, axis=0) return middle_frustum_point + np.random.normal(0, 1.0, 3)
[docs] def add_intersecting_spot_lights_to_camera_poses(clip_start: float, clip_end: float, perform_look_at_intersection_check: bool = True, perform_look_at_pose_visibility_check: bool = True, light_pose_sampling: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, look_at_pose_sampling: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, max_tries_per_cam_pose: int = 10000) -> Light: """ This functions adds spotlights which intersect with the camera pose. This is useful to get a greater variety in lighting situations then the general full illumination from all sides. The spotlights location is defined by the `light_pose_sampling` parameter, it gets the eight coordinates of the camera frustum vertices. This camera frustum starts at `clip_start` and ends at `clip_end`. It should return a single 3D point. This point is then checked to not be in the camera frustum, if it is inside a new point will be sampled. After the defining a suitable light position, a look at pose is sampled via the `look_pose_sampling` function. It uses the same eight coordinates of the camera frustum and the current sampled light position to return a look at pose. If the `perform_look_at_intersection_check` value is set an intersection check between the light position and the look at location is done, which ensures that no object is between these two points. Similarly, for the `perform_look_at_pose_visibility_check`, a newly sampled light pose does not have an intersecting object between this sampled pose and the camera location. :param clip_start: The distance between the camera pose and the near clipping plane, used for the sampling of a light and look at location :param clip_end: The distance between the camera pose and the far clipping plane, used for the sampling of a light and look at location :param perform_look_at_intersection_check: If this is True an intersection check between the light pose and the look at pose is done, if an object is inbetween both poses are discarded. :param perform_look_at_pose_visibility_check: If this is True, an intersection check between the look at pose and the camera location is done, to ensure that the light is visible and not hidden. :param light_pose_sampling: This function samples a new 3D light pose based on the eight 3D coordinates of the camera frustum. If this is None, the `_default_light_pose_sampling` is used. :param look_at_pose_sampling: This function samples a new 3D look at pose based on the eight 3D coordinates of the camera frustum and the currently sampled light pose. If this is None, the `_default_look_at_pose_sampling` is used. :param max_tries_per_cam_pose: The amount of maximum tries per camera pose for finding a new light pose with look at pose. :return: The newly generated light """ if bpy.context.scene.frame_start == bpy.context.scene.frame_end: raise RuntimeError("A camera poses has to be set first!") if light_pose_sampling is None: light_pose_sampling = _default_light_pose_sampling if look_at_pose_sampling is None: look_at_pose_sampling = _default_look_at_pose_sampling new_light = Light(light_type="SPOT") new_light.set_energy(10000) # create a bvh tree to quickly check if an object is in the line of sight bvh_tree = None if perform_look_at_pose_visibility_check or perform_look_at_intersection_check: bvh_tree = create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(get_all_mesh_objects()) # iterate over each camera pose for frame_id in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end): # set the current camera frame for all functions with KeyFrame(frame_id): # get the vertices of the camera frustum vertices = get_camera_frustum(clip_start=clip_start, clip_end=clip_end) found_pose = False for _ in range(max_tries_per_cam_pose): # sample a new light position sampled_pose = light_pose_sampling(vertices) # sample a look at pose look_at_point = look_at_pose_sampling(vertices, sampled_pose) # check that the sampled pose is not inside the camera frustum and the look at point is if not is_point_inside_camera_frustum(sampled_pose) and is_point_inside_camera_frustum(look_at_point): # check if an object is between the look at pose and the camera pose if perform_look_at_pose_visibility_check: cam_location = get_camera_pose()[:3, 3] look_dir = cam_location - look_at_point _, _, _, dist = bvh_tree.ray_cast(look_at_point, look_dir, np.linalg.norm(look_dir)) if dist is not None: # if an object is between the light pose and the camera sample a new light pose continue # check if an object is between the sample point and the look at point if perform_look_at_intersection_check: look_dir = look_at_point - sampled_pose _, _, _, dist = bvh_tree.ray_cast(sampled_pose, look_dir, np.linalg.norm(look_dir)) if dist is not None: # skip this light position as it collides with something continue # calculate the rotation matrix forward_vec = look_at_point - sampled_pose rotation_matrix = rotation_from_forward_vec(forward_vec) # save the pose and rotation new_light.set_location(sampled_pose) new_light.set_rotation_mat(rotation_matrix) found_pose = True break if not found_pose: raise RuntimeError("No pose found, increase the start and end clip or increase the amount of tries.") return new_light