Source code for blenderproc.python.constructor.RandomRoomConstructor

The RandomRoomConstructor can construct a random shaped room, based on a given floor size. It also places objects
without collision inside the created room.

import warnings
import math
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict
import random

import bpy
import bmesh
import mathutils
import numpy as np

from blenderproc.python.types.MaterialUtility import Material
from blenderproc.python.utility.CollisionUtility import CollisionUtility
from blenderproc.python.types.EntityUtility import delete_multiple
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, create_primitive
from blenderproc.python.object.FaceSlicer import FaceSlicer

[docs] def construct_random_room(used_floor_area: float, interior_objects: List[MeshObject], materials: List[Material], amount_of_extrusions: int = 0, fac_from_square_room: float = 0.3, corridor_width: float = 0.9, wall_height: float = 2.5, amount_of_floor_cuts: int = 2, only_use_big_edges: bool = True, create_ceiling: bool = True, assign_material_to_ceiling: bool = False, placement_tries_per_face: int = 3, amount_of_objects_per_sq_meter: float = 3.0): """ Constructs a random room based on the given parameters, each room gets filled with the objects in the `interior_objects` list. :param used_floor_area: The amount of square meters used for this room (e.g. 25 qm) :param interior_objects: List of interior objects, which are sampled inside this room :param materials: List of materials, which will be used for the floor, ceiling, and the walls :param amount_of_extrusions: Amount of extrusions performed on the basic floor shape, zero equals a rectangular room :param fac_from_square_room: Maximum allowed factor between the length of two main sides of a rectangular room :param corridor_width: Minimum corridor width in meters, is used for the extrusions :param wall_height: Height of the walls of the room :param amount_of_floor_cuts: The floor plan gets cut with each iteration, allowing for the finding of new edges which are used to create extrusions. :param only_use_big_edges: If this is all edges are sorted by length and only the bigger half is used :param create_ceiling: If this is true a ceiling is created for the room :param assign_material_to_ceiling: If this is True the ceiling also gets a material assigned :param placement_tries_per_face: How many tries should be performed per face to place an object, a higher amount will ensure that the amount of objects per sq meter are closer to the desired value :param amount_of_objects_per_sq_meter: How many objects should be placed on each square meter of room """ # internally the first basic rectangular is counted as one amount_of_extrusions += 1 bvh_cache_for_intersection: Dict[str, mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree] = {} placed_objects = [] # construct a random room floor_obj, wall_obj, ceiling_obj = _construct_random_room(used_floor_area, amount_of_extrusions, fac_from_square_room, corridor_width, wall_height, amount_of_floor_cuts, only_use_big_edges, create_ceiling) placed_objects.append(wall_obj) if ceiling_obj is not None: placed_objects.append(ceiling_obj) # assign materials to all existing objects _assign_materials_to_floor_wall_ceiling(floor_obj, wall_obj, ceiling_obj, assign_material_to_ceiling, materials) # get all floor faces and save their size and bounding box for the round robin floor_obj.edit_mode() bm = floor_obj.mesh_as_bmesh() bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() list_of_face_sizes = [] list_of_face_bb = [] for face in bm.faces: list_of_face_sizes.append(face.calc_area()) list_of_verts = [ for v in face.verts] bb_min_point, bb_max_point = np.min(list_of_verts, axis=0), np.max(list_of_verts, axis=0) list_of_face_bb.append((bb_min_point, bb_max_point)) floor_obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) floor_obj.object_mode() bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') total_face_size = sum(list_of_face_sizes) # sort them after size interior_objects.sort(key=lambda obj: obj.get_bound_box_volume()) interior_objects.reverse() list_of_deleted_objects = [] step_size = 1.0 / amount_of_objects_per_sq_meter * float(len(interior_objects)) current_step_size_counter = random.uniform(-step_size, step_size) for selected_obj in interior_objects: current_obj = selected_obj is_duplicated = False # if the step size is bigger than the room size, certain objects need to be skipped if step_size > total_face_size: current_step_size_counter += total_face_size if current_step_size_counter > step_size: current_step_size_counter = random.uniform(-step_size, step_size) continue # walk over all faces in a round robin fashion total_acc_size = 0 # select a random start point current_i = random.randrange(len(list_of_face_sizes)) current_accumulated_face_size = random.uniform(0, step_size + 1e-7) # check if the accumulation of all visited faces is bigger than the sum of all of them while total_acc_size < total_face_size: face_size = list_of_face_sizes[current_i] face_bb = list_of_face_bb[current_i] if face_size < step_size: # face size is bigger than one step current_accumulated_face_size += face_size if current_accumulated_face_size > step_size: for _ in range(placement_tries_per_face): found_spot = _sample_new_object_poses_on_face(current_obj, face_bb, bvh_cache_for_intersection, placed_objects, wall_obj) if found_spot: placed_objects.append(current_obj) current_obj = current_obj.duplicate() is_duplicated = True break current_accumulated_face_size -= step_size else: # face size is bigger than one step amount_of_steps = int((face_size + current_accumulated_face_size) / step_size) for _ in range(amount_of_steps): for _ in range(placement_tries_per_face): found_spot = _sample_new_object_poses_on_face(current_obj, face_bb, bvh_cache_for_intersection, placed_objects, wall_obj) if found_spot: placed_objects.append(current_obj) current_obj = current_obj.duplicate() is_duplicated = True break # left over value is used in next round current_accumulated_face_size = face_size - (amount_of_steps * step_size) current_i = (current_i + 1) % len(list_of_face_sizes) total_acc_size += face_size # remove current obj from the bvh cache if current_obj.get_name() in bvh_cache_for_intersection: del bvh_cache_for_intersection[current_obj.get_name()] # if there was no collision save the object in the placed list if is_duplicated: # delete the duplicated object list_of_deleted_objects.append(current_obj) # Add the loaded objects, which couldn't be placed list_of_deleted_objects.extend([obj for obj in interior_objects if obj not in placed_objects]) # Delete them all delete_multiple(list_of_deleted_objects, remove_all_offspring=True) if floor_obj is not None: placed_objects.append(floor_obj) return placed_objects
[docs] def _construct_random_room(used_floor_area: float, amount_of_extrusions: int, fac_from_square_room: float, corridor_width: float, wall_height: float, amount_of_floor_cuts: int, only_use_big_edges: bool, create_ceiling: bool) -> Tuple[MeshObject, MeshObject, MeshObject]: """ This function constructs the floor plan and builds up the wall. This can be more than just a rectangular shape. If `amount_of_extrusions` is bigger than zero, the basic rectangular shape is extended, by first performing random cuts in this base rectangular shape along the axis. Then one of the edges is randomly selected and from there it is extruded outwards to get to the desired `floor_area`. This process is repeated `amount_of_extrusions` times. It might be that a room has less than the desired `amount_of_extrusions` if the random splitting reaches the `floor_area` beforehand. """ floor_obj = None wall_obj = None ceiling_obj = None # if there is more than one extrusions, the used floor area must be split over all sections # the first section should be at least 50% - 80% big, after that the size depends on the amount of left # floor values if amount_of_extrusions > 1: size_sequence = [] running_sum = 0.0 start_minimum = 0.0 for i in range(amount_of_extrusions - 1): if i == 0: size_sequence.append(random.uniform(0.4, 0.8)) start_minimum = (1.0 - size_sequence[-1]) / amount_of_extrusions else: if start_minimum < 1.0 - running_sum: size_sequence.append(random.uniform(start_minimum, 1.0 - running_sum)) else: break running_sum += size_sequence[-1] if 1.0 - running_sum > 1e-7: size_sequence.append(1.0 - running_sum) if amount_of_extrusions != len(size_sequence): print(f"Amount of extrusions was reduced to: {len(size_sequence)}. To avoid rooms, " f"which are smaller than 1e-7") amount_of_extrusions = len(size_sequence) else: size_sequence = [1.0] # this list of areas is then used to calculate the extrusions # if there is only one element in there, it will create a rectangle used_floor_areas = [size * used_floor_area for size in size_sequence] # calculate the squared room length for the base room squared_room_length = np.sqrt(used_floor_areas[0]) # create a new plane and rename it to Wall wall_obj = create_primitive("PLANE") wall_obj.set_name("Wall") # calculate the side length of the base room, for that the `fac_from_square_room` is used room_length_x = fac_from_square_room * random.uniform(-1, 1) * squared_room_length + squared_room_length # make sure that the floor area is still used room_length_y = used_floor_areas[0] / room_length_x # change the plane to this size wall_obj.edit_mode() bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(room_length_x * 0.5, room_length_y * 0.5, 1)) wall_obj.object_mode() def cut_plane(plane: MeshObject): """ Cuts the floor plane in several pieces randomly. This is used for selecting random edges for the extrusions later on. This function assumes the current `plane` object is already selected and no other object is selected. :param plane: The object, which should be split in edit mode. """ # save the size of the plane to determine a best split value x_size = plane.get_scale()[0] y_size = plane.get_scale()[1] # switch to edit mode and select all faces bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # convert plane to BMesh object bm = plane.mesh_as_bmesh(True) bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() # find all selected edges edges = [e for e in bm.edges if] biggest_face_id = np.argmax([f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces]) biggest_face = bm.faces[biggest_face_id] # find the biggest face faces = [f for f in bm.faces if f == biggest_face] geom = [] geom.extend(edges) geom.extend(faces) # calculate cutting point cutting_point = [x_size * random.uniform(-1, 1), y_size * random.uniform(-1, 1), 0] # select a random axis to specify in which direction to cut direction_axis = [1, 0, 0] if random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5 else [0, 1, 0] # cut the plane and update the final mesh bmesh.ops.bisect_plane(bm, dist=0.01, geom=geom, plane_co=cutting_point, plane_no=direction_axis) plane.update_from_bmesh(bm) # for each floor cut perform one cut_plane for i in range(amount_of_floor_cuts): cut_plane(wall_obj) # do several extrusions of the basic floor plan, the first one is always the basic one for i in range(1, amount_of_extrusions): # Change to edit mode of the selected floor wall_obj.edit_mode() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm = wall_obj.mesh_as_bmesh() bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # calculate the size of all edges and find all edges, which are wider than the minimum corridor_width # to avoid that super small, super long pieces are created boundary_edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e.is_boundary] boundary_sizes = [(e, e.calc_length()) for e in boundary_edges] boundary_sizes = [(e, s) for e, s in boundary_sizes if s > corridor_width] if len(boundary_sizes) > 0: # sort the boundaries to focus only on the big ones boundary_sizes.sort(key=lambda e: e[1]) if only_use_big_edges: # only select the bigger half of the selected boundaries half_size = len(boundary_sizes) // 2 else: # use any of the selected boundaries half_size = 0 used_edges = [e for e, s in boundary_sizes[half_size:]] random_edge = None shift_vec = None edge_counter = 0 random_index = random.randrange(len(used_edges)) while edge_counter < len(used_edges): # select a random edge from the choose edges random_edge = used_edges[random_index] # get the direction of the current edge direction = np.abs(random_edge.verts[0].co - random_edge.verts[1].co) # the shift value depends on the used_floor_area size shift_value = used_floor_areas[i] / random_edge.calc_length() # depending if the random edge is aligned with the x-axis or the y-axis, # the shift is the opposite direction if direction[0] == 0: x_shift, y_shift = shift_value, 0 else: x_shift, y_shift = 0, shift_value # calculate the vertices for the new face shift_vec = mathutils.Vector([x_shift, y_shift, 0]) dir_found = False for tested_dir in [1, -1]: shift_vec *= tested_dir new_verts = [ for e in random_edge.verts] new_verts.extend([e + shift_vec for e in new_verts]) new_verts = np.array(new_verts) # check if the newly constructed face is colliding with one of the others # if so generate a new face collision_face_found = False for existing_face in bm.faces: existing_verts = np.array([ for v in existing_face.verts]) if CollisionUtility.check_bb_intersection_on_values(np.min(existing_verts, axis=0)[:2], np.max(existing_verts, axis=0)[:2], np.min(new_verts, axis=0)[:2], np.max(new_verts, axis=0)[:2], # by using this check an edge collision is ignored used_check=lambda a, b: a > b): collision_face_found = True break if not collision_face_found: dir_found = True break if dir_found: break random_index = (random_index + 1) % len(used_edges) edge_counter += 1 random_edge = None if random_edge is None: for e in used_edges: = True raise Exception("No edge found to extrude up on! The reason might be that there are to many cuts" "in the basic room or that the corridor width is too high.") # extrude this edge with the calculated shift = True bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(MESH_OT_extrude_region={"use_normal_flip": False, "use_dissolve_ortho_edges": False, "mirror": False}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": shift_vec, "orient_type": 'GLOBAL'}) else: raise Exception("The corridor width is so big that no edge could be selected, " "reduce the corridor width or reduce the amount of floor cuts.") # remove all doubles vertices, which might occur bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') wall_obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) wall_obj.object_mode() # create walls based on the outer shell wall_obj.edit_mode() bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent(inside=False) bm = wall_obj.mesh_as_bmesh() bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # select all edges boundary_edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e.is_boundary] for e in boundary_edges: = True # extrude all boundary edges to create the walls bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value": (0, 0, wall_height)}) wall_obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) wall_obj.object_mode() def extract_plane_from_room(obj: MeshObject, used_split_height: float, up_vec: mathutils.Vector, new_name_for_obj: str): """ Extract a plane from the current room object. This uses the FaceSlicer Module functions :param obj: The current room object :param used_split_height: The height at which the split should be performed. Usually 0 or wall_height :param up_vec: The up_vec corresponds to the face.normal of the selected faces :param new_name_for_obj: This will be the new name of the created object :return: (bool, bpy.types.Object): Returns True if the object was split and also returns the object. \ Else it returns (False, None). """ compare_height = 0.15 compare_angle = math.radians(7.5) obj.edit_mode() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm = obj.mesh_as_bmesh() bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() # Select faces at given height that should be separate from the mesh counter = FaceSlicer.select_at_height_value(bm, used_split_height, compare_height, mathutils.Vector(up_vec), compare_angle, obj.get_local2world_mat()) # if any faces are selected split them up if counter: bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED') obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) obj.object_mode() cur_selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects if cur_selected_objects: if len(cur_selected_objects) == 2: cur_selected_objects = [o for o in cur_selected_objects if o !=] cur_selected_objects[0].name = new_name_for_obj cur_created_obj = MeshObject(cur_selected_objects[0]) else: raise Exception("There is more than one selection after splitting, this should not happen!") else: raise Exception("No floor object was constructed!") bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') return True, cur_created_obj obj.object_mode() bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') return False, None # if only one rectangle was created, the wall extrusion creates a full room with ceiling and floor, if not # only the floor gets created and the ceiling is missing only_rectangle_mode = False for used_split_height in [(0, "Floor", [0, 0, 1]), (wall_height, "Ceiling", [0, 0, -1])]: created, created_obj = extract_plane_from_room(wall_obj, used_split_height[0], used_split_height[2], used_split_height[1]) if not created and used_split_height[1] == "Floor": only_rectangle_mode = True break if created and created_obj is not None: if "Floor" == used_split_height[1]: floor_obj = created_obj elif "Ceiling" == used_split_height[1]: ceiling_obj = created_obj if only_rectangle_mode: # in this case the floor and ceiling are pointing outwards, so that normals have to be flipped for used_split_height in [(0, "Floor", [0, 0, -1]), (wall_height, "Ceiling", [0, 0, 1])]: created, created_obj = extract_plane_from_room(wall_obj, used_split_height[0], used_split_height[2], used_split_height[1]) # save the result accordingly if created and created_obj is not None: if "Floor" == used_split_height[1]: floor_obj = created_obj elif "Ceiling" == used_split_height[1]: ceiling_obj = created_obj elif create_ceiling: # there is no ceiling -> create one wall_obj.edit_mode() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm = wall_obj.mesh_as_bmesh() bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # select all upper edges and create a ceiling for e in bm.edges: if ((e.verts[0].co + e.verts[1].co) * 0.5)[2] >= wall_height - 1e-4: = True bpy.ops.mesh.edge_face_add() # split the ceiling away bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED') wall_obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) wall_obj.object_mode() selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects if selected_objects: if len(selected_objects) == 2: selected_objects = [o for o in selected_objects if o !=] selected_objects[0].name = "Ceiling" ceiling_obj = MeshObject(selected_objects[0]) else: raise Exception("There is more than one selection after splitting, this should not happen!") else: raise Exception("No floor object was constructed!") bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') return floor_obj, wall_obj, ceiling_obj
[docs] def _assign_materials_to_floor_wall_ceiling(floor_obj: MeshObject, wall_obj: MeshObject, ceiling_obj: MeshObject, assign_material_to_ceiling: bool, materials: List[Material]): """ Assigns materials to the floor, wall and ceiling. These are randomly selected from the CCMaterials. This means it is required that the CCMaterialLoader has been executed before, this module is run. """ # first create a uv mapping for each of the three objects for obj in [floor_obj, wall_obj, ceiling_obj]: if obj is not None: obj.edit_mode() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.uv.cube_project(cube_size=1.0) obj.object_mode() if materials: floor_obj.replace_materials(random.choice(materials)) wall_obj.replace_materials(random.choice(materials)) if ceiling_obj is not None and assign_material_to_ceiling: ceiling_obj.replace_materials(random.choice(materials)) else: warnings.warn("There were no CCMaterials found, which means the CCMaterialLoader was not executed first!" "No materials have been assigned to the walls, floors and possible ceiling.")
[docs] def _sample_new_object_poses_on_face(current_obj: MeshObject, face_bb, bvh_cache_for_intersection: dict, placed_objects: List[MeshObject], wall_obj: MeshObject): """ Sample new object poses on the current `floor_obj`. :param face_bb: :return: True, if there is no collision """ random_placed_value = [random.uniform(face_bb[0][i], face_bb[1][i]) for i in range(2)] random_placed_value.append(0.0) # floor z value random_placed_rotation = [0, 0, random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2.0)] current_obj.set_location(random_placed_value) current_obj.set_rotation_euler(random_placed_rotation) # Remove bvh cache, as object has changed if current_obj.get_name() in bvh_cache_for_intersection: del bvh_cache_for_intersection[current_obj.get_name()] # perform check if object can be placed there no_collision = CollisionUtility.check_intersections(current_obj, bvh_cache=bvh_cache_for_intersection, objects_to_check_against=placed_objects, list_of_objects_with_no_inside_check=[wall_obj]) return no_collision