Source code for

"""Camera utility, collection of useful camera functions."""
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, List
from itertools import product

import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Euler
import numpy as np

from blenderproc.python.types.EntityUtility import Entity
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject, create_primitive
from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import KeyFrame

[docs] def add_camera_pose(cam2world_matrix: Union[np.ndarray, Matrix], frame: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """ Sets a new camera pose to a new or existing frame :param cam2world_matrix: The transformation matrix from camera to world coordinate system :param frame: Optional, the frame to set the camera pose to. :return: The frame to which the pose has been set. """ if not isinstance(cam2world_matrix, Matrix): cam2world_matrix = Matrix(cam2world_matrix) # Set cam2world_matrix cam_ob = cam_ob.matrix_world = cam2world_matrix # Add new frame if no frame is given if frame is None: frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_end if bpy.context.scene.frame_end < frame + 1: bpy.context.scene.frame_end = frame + 1 # Persist camera pose cam_ob.keyframe_insert(data_path='location', frame=frame) cam_ob.keyframe_insert(data_path='rotation_euler', frame=frame) return frame
[docs] def get_camera_pose(frame: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the camera pose in the form of a 4x4 cam2world transformation matrx. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be returned. If None is give, the current frame is used. :return: The 4x4 cam2world transformation matrix. """ with KeyFrame(frame): return np.array(Entity(
[docs] def get_camera_frustum(clip_start: Optional[float] = None, clip_end: Optional[float] = None, frame: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the current camera frustum as eight 3D coordinates. :param clip_start: The distance between the camera pose and the near clipping plane. :param clip_end: The distance between the camera pose and the far clipping plane. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is give, the current frame is used. :return: The eight 3D coordinates of the camera frustum """ poses = np.array(list(product((-1, 1), repeat=3))) poses = np.concatenate([poses, np.ones((8, 1))], axis=1) # get the current camera pose camera_pose = get_camera_pose(frame) # get the projection matrix projection_matrix = get_projection_matrix(clip_start, clip_end) # bring the camera frustum points into the world frame poses = poses @ np.linalg.inv(projection_matrix).transpose() poses /= poses[:, 3:] poses = poses @ camera_pose.transpose() poses /= poses[:, 3:] return poses[:, :3]
[docs] def is_point_inside_camera_frustum(point: Union[List[float], Vector, np.ndarray], clip_start: Optional[float] = None, clip_end: Optional[float] = None, frame: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: """ Checks if a given 3D point lies inside the camera frustum. :param point: The point, which should be checked :param clip_start: The distance between the camera pose and the near clipping plane. :param clip_end: The distance between the camera pose and the far clipping plane. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is give, the current frame is used. :return: True, if the point lies inside the camera frustum, else False """ camera_pose = get_camera_pose(frame) point4d = np.insert(np.array(point), 3, 1, axis=0) point4d = point4d @ np.linalg.inv(camera_pose).transpose() point4d /= point4d[3] projection_matrix = get_projection_matrix(clip_start, clip_end) point4d = point4d @ projection_matrix.transpose() point4d /= point4d[3] point4d = point4d[:3] return np.all([point4d < 1, -1 < point4d])
[docs] def get_camera_frustum_as_object(clip_start: Optional[float] = None, clip_end: Optional[float] = None, frame: Optional[int] = None) -> MeshObject: """ Get the current camera frustum as deformed cube :param clip_start: The distance between the camera pose and the near clipping plane. :param clip_end: The distance between the camera pose and the far clipping plane. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is give, the current frame is used. :return: The newly created MeshObject """ points = get_camera_frustum(clip_start, clip_end, frame) cube = create_primitive("CUBE") cube.set_name("Camera Frustum") for i in range(8): cube.get_mesh().vertices[i].co = points[i] return cube
[docs] def rotation_from_forward_vec(forward_vec: Union[np.ndarray, Vector], up_axis: str = 'Y', inplane_rot: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns a camera rotation matrix for the given forward vector and up axis :param forward_vec: The forward vector which specifies the direction the camera should look. :param up_axis: The up axis, usually Y. :param inplane_rot: The inplane rotation in radians. If None is given, the inplane rotation is determined only based on the up vector. :return: The corresponding rotation matrix. """ rotation_matrix = Vector(forward_vec).to_track_quat('-Z', up_axis).to_matrix() if inplane_rot is not None: rotation_matrix @= Euler((0.0, 0.0, inplane_rot)).to_matrix() return np.array(rotation_matrix)
[docs] def set_resolution(image_width: int = None, image_height: int = None): """ Sets the camera resolution. :param image_width: The image width in pixels. :param image_height: The image height in pixels. """ set_intrinsics_from_blender_params(None, image_width, image_height)
[docs] def set_intrinsics_from_blender_params(lens: float = None, image_width: int = None, image_height: int = None, clip_start: float = None, clip_end: float = None, pixel_aspect_x: float = None, pixel_aspect_y: float = None, shift_x: int = None, shift_y: int = None, lens_unit: str = None): """ Sets the camera intrinsics using blenders represenation. :param lens: Either the focal length in millimeters or the FOV in radians, depending on the given lens_unit. :param image_width: The image width in pixels. :param image_height: The image height in pixels. :param clip_start: Clipping start. :param clip_end: Clipping end. :param pixel_aspect_x: The pixel aspect ratio along x. :param pixel_aspect_y: The pixel aspect ratio along y. :param shift_x: The shift in x direction. :param shift_y: The shift in y direction. :param lens_unit: Either FOV or MILLIMETERS depending on whether the lens is defined as focal length in millimeters or as FOV in radians. """ cam_ob = cam = if lens_unit is not None: cam.lens_unit = lens_unit if lens is not None: # Set focal length if cam.lens_unit == 'MILLIMETERS': if lens < 1: raise Exception("The focal length is smaller than 1mm which is not allowed in blender: " + str(lens)) cam.lens = lens elif cam.lens_unit == "FOV": cam.angle = lens else: raise Exception("No such lens unit: " + lens_unit) # Set resolution if image_width is not None: bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = image_width if image_height is not None: bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = image_height # Set clipping if clip_start is not None: cam.clip_start = clip_start if clip_end is not None: cam.clip_end = clip_end # Set aspect ratio if pixel_aspect_x is not None: bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x = pixel_aspect_x if pixel_aspect_y is not None: bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y = pixel_aspect_y # Set shift if shift_x is not None: cam.shift_x = shift_x if shift_y is not None: cam.shift_y = shift_y
[docs] def set_stereo_parameters(convergence_mode: str, convergence_distance: float, interocular_distance: float): """ Sets the stereo parameters of the camera. :param convergence_mode: How the two cameras converge (e.g. Off-Axis where both cameras are shifted inwards to converge in the convergence plane, or parallel where they do not converge and are parallel). Available: ["OFFAXIS", "PARALLEL", "TOE"] :param convergence_distance: The convergence point for the stereo cameras (i.e. distance from the projector to the projection screen) :param interocular_distance: Distance between the camera pair """ cam_ob = cam = cam.stereo.convergence_mode = convergence_mode cam.stereo.convergence_distance = convergence_distance cam.stereo.interocular_distance = interocular_distance
[docs] def set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix(K: Union[np.ndarray, Matrix], image_width: int, image_height: int, clip_start: float = None, clip_end: float = None): """ Set the camera intrinsics via a K matrix. The K matrix should have the format: [[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]] This method is based on :param K: The 3x3 K matrix. :param image_width: The image width in pixels. :param image_height: The image height in pixels. :param clip_start: Clipping start. :param clip_end: Clipping end. """ K = Matrix(K) cam = if abs(K[0][1]) > 1e-7: raise ValueError(f"Skew is not supported by blender and therefore " f"not by BlenderProc, set this to zero: {K[0][1]} and recalibrate") fx, fy = K[0][0], K[1][1] cx, cy = K[0][2], K[1][2] # If fx!=fy change pixel aspect ratio pixel_aspect_x = pixel_aspect_y = 1 if fx > fy: pixel_aspect_y = fx / fy elif fx < fy: pixel_aspect_x = fy / fx # Compute sensor size in mm and view in px pixel_aspect_ratio = pixel_aspect_y / pixel_aspect_x view_fac_in_px = get_view_fac_in_px(cam, pixel_aspect_x, pixel_aspect_y, image_width, image_height) sensor_size_in_mm = get_sensor_size(cam) # Convert focal length in px to focal length in mm f_in_mm = fx * sensor_size_in_mm / view_fac_in_px # Convert principal point in px to blenders internal format shift_x = (cx - (image_width - 1) / 2) / -view_fac_in_px shift_y = (cy - (image_height - 1) / 2) / view_fac_in_px * pixel_aspect_ratio # Finally set all intrinsics set_intrinsics_from_blender_params(f_in_mm, image_width, image_height, clip_start, clip_end, pixel_aspect_x, pixel_aspect_y, shift_x, shift_y, "MILLIMETERS")
[docs] def get_sensor_size(cam: bpy.types.Camera) -> float: """ Returns the sensor size in millimeters based on the configured sensor_fit. :param cam: The camera object. :return: The sensor size in millimeters. """ if cam.sensor_fit == 'VERTICAL': sensor_size_in_mm = cam.sensor_height else: sensor_size_in_mm = cam.sensor_width return sensor_size_in_mm
[docs] def get_view_fac_in_px(cam: bpy.types.Camera, pixel_aspect_x: float, pixel_aspect_y: float, resolution_x_in_px: int, resolution_y_in_px: int) -> int: """ Returns the camera view in pixels. :param cam: The camera object. :param pixel_aspect_x: The pixel aspect ratio along x. :param pixel_aspect_y: The pixel aspect ratio along y. :param resolution_x_in_px: The image width in pixels. :param resolution_y_in_px: The image height in pixels. :return: The camera view in pixels. """ # Determine the sensor fit mode to use if cam.sensor_fit == 'AUTO': if pixel_aspect_x * resolution_x_in_px >= pixel_aspect_y * resolution_y_in_px: sensor_fit = 'HORIZONTAL' else: sensor_fit = 'VERTICAL' else: sensor_fit = cam.sensor_fit # Based on the sensor fit mode, determine the view in pixels pixel_aspect_ratio = pixel_aspect_y / pixel_aspect_x if sensor_fit == 'HORIZONTAL': view_fac_in_px = resolution_x_in_px else: view_fac_in_px = pixel_aspect_ratio * resolution_y_in_px return view_fac_in_px
[docs] def get_projection_matrix(clip_start: Optional[float] = None, clip_end: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the projection matrix, it allows to overwrite the current used values for the near and far clipping plane. :param clip_start: The distance between the camera pose and the near clipping plane. :param clip_end: The distance between the camera pose and the far clipping plane. :return: The 4x4 projection matrix of the current camera """ if clip_start is None: near = else: near = clip_start if clip_end is None: far = else: far = clip_end # get the field of view x_fov, y_fov = get_fov() # convert them to height and width values height, width = 1.0 / np.tan(y_fov * 0.5), 1. / np.tan(x_fov * 0.5) # build up the projection matrix return np.array([[width, 0, 0, 0], [0, height, 0, 0], [0, 0, -(near + far) / (far - near), -(2 * near * far) / (far - near)], [0, 0, -1, 0]])
[docs] def get_intrinsics_as_K_matrix() -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the current set intrinsics in the form of a K matrix. This is basically the inverse of the the set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix() function. :return: The 3x3 K matrix """ cam_ob = cam = f_in_mm = cam.lens resolution_x_in_px = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x resolution_y_in_px = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y # Compute sensor size in mm and view in px pixel_aspect_ratio = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y / bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x view_fac_in_px = get_view_fac_in_px(cam, bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x, bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y, resolution_x_in_px, resolution_y_in_px) sensor_size_in_mm = get_sensor_size(cam) # Convert focal length in mm to focal length in px fx = f_in_mm / sensor_size_in_mm * view_fac_in_px fy = fx / pixel_aspect_ratio # Convert principal point in blenders format to px cx = (resolution_x_in_px - 1) / 2 - cam.shift_x * view_fac_in_px cy = (resolution_y_in_px - 1) / 2 + cam.shift_y * view_fac_in_px / pixel_aspect_ratio # Build K matrix K = np.array([[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]]) return K
[docs] def get_fov() -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Returns the horizontal and vertical FOV of the current camera. Blender also offers the current FOV as direct attributes of the camera object, however at least the vertical FOV heavily differs from how it would usually be defined. :return: The horizontal and vertical FOV in radians. """ # Get focal length K = get_intrinsics_as_K_matrix() # Convert focal length to FOV fov_x = 2 * np.arctan(bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x / 2 / K[0, 0]) fov_y = 2 * np.arctan(bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y / 2 / K[1, 1]) return fov_x, fov_y
[docs] def add_depth_of_field(focal_point_obj: Entity, fstop_value: float, aperture_blades: int = 0, aperture_rotation: float = 0.0, aperture_ratio: float = 1.0, focal_distance: float = -1.0): """ Adds depth of field to the given camera, the focal point will be set by the focal_point_obj, ideally an empty instance is used for this see `bproc.object.create_empty()` on how to init one of those. A higher fstop value makes the resulting image look sharper, while a low value decreases the sharpness. Check the documentation on :param focal_point_obj: The used focal point, if the object moves the focal point will move with it :param fstop_value: A higher fstop value, will increase the sharpness of the scene :param aperture_blades: Amount of blades used in the camera :param aperture_rotation: Rotation of the blades in the camera in radiant :param aperture_ratio: Ratio of the anamorphic bokeh effect, below 1.0 will give a horizontal one, above one a \ vertical one. :param focal_distance: Sets the distance to the focal point when no focal_point_obj is given. """ cam_ob = camera = # activate depth of field rendering for this camera camera.dof.use_dof = True if focal_point_obj is not None: # set the focus point of the camera camera.dof.focus_object = focal_point_obj.blender_obj elif focal_distance >= 0.0: camera.dof.focus_distance = focal_distance else: raise RuntimeError("Either a focal_point_obj have to be given or the focal_distance has to be higher " "than zero.") # set the aperture of the camera, lower values make the scene more out of focus, higher values make them look # sharper camera.dof.aperture_fstop = fstop_value # set the amount of blades camera.dof.aperture_blades = aperture_blades # setting the rotation of the aperture in radiant camera.dof.aperture_rotation = aperture_rotation # Change the amount of distortion to simulate the anamorphic bokeh effect. A setting of 1.0 shows no # distortion, where a number below 1.0 will cause a horizontal distortion, and a higher number will # cause a vertical distortion. camera.dof.aperture_ratio = aperture_ratio