Source code for

""" Collection of camera projection helper functions."""
from typing import Optional
from blenderproc.python.postprocessing.PostProcessingUtility import dist2depth
from blenderproc.python.types.MeshObjectUtility import create_primitive

import bpy
import numpy as np
from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree

from blenderproc.python.utility.Utility import KeyFrame
from import get_camera_pose, get_intrinsics_as_K_matrix

[docs] def depth_via_raytracing(bvh_tree: BVHTree, frame: Optional[int] = None, return_dist: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes a depth images using raytracing. All pixel that correspond to rays which do not hit any object are set to inf. :param bvh_tree: The BVH tree to use for raytracing. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is given, the current frame is used. :param return_dist: If True, a distance image instead of a depth image is returned. :return: The depth image with shape [H, W]. """ with KeyFrame(frame): cam_ob = cam = cam2world_matrix = cam_ob.matrix_world resolution_x = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x resolution_y = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y # Get position of the corners of the near plane frame = cam.view_frame(scene=bpy.context.scene) # Bring to world space frame = [cam2world_matrix @ v for v in frame] # Compute vectors along both sides of the plane vec_x = frame[3] - frame[0] vec_y = frame[1] - frame[0] dists = [] # Go in discrete grid-like steps over plane position = cam2world_matrix.to_translation() for y in range(0, resolution_y): for x in reversed(range(0, resolution_x)): # Compute current point on plane end = frame[0] + vec_x * (x + 0.5) / float(resolution_x) \ + vec_y * (y + 0.5) / float(resolution_y) # Send ray from the camera position through the current point on the plane _, _, _, dist = bvh_tree.ray_cast(position, end - position) if dist is None: dist = np.inf dists.append(dist) dists = np.array(dists) dists = np.reshape(dists, [resolution_y, resolution_x]) if not return_dist: depth = dist2depth(dists) return depth
[docs] def unproject_points(points_2d: np.ndarray, depth: np.ndarray, frame: Optional[int] = None, depth_cut_off: float = 1e6) -> np.ndarray: """ Unproject 2D points into 3D :param points_2d: An array of N 2D points with shape [N, 2]. :param depth: A list of depth values corresponding to each 2D point, shape [N]. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is given, the current frame is used. :param depth_cut_off: All points that correspond to depth values bigger than this threshold will be set to NaN. :return: The unprojected 3D points with shape [N, 3]. """ # Get extrinsics and intrinsics cam2world = get_camera_pose(frame) K = get_intrinsics_as_K_matrix() K_inv = np.linalg.inv(K) # Flip y axis points_2d[..., 1] = (bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y - 1) - points_2d[..., 1] # Unproject 2D into 3D points = np.concatenate((points_2d, np.ones_like(points_2d[:, :1])), -1) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): points *= depth[:, None] points_cam = (K_inv @ points.T).T # Transform into world frame points_cam[...,2] *= -1 points_cam = np.concatenate((points_cam, np.ones_like(points[:, :1])), -1) points_world = (cam2world @ points_cam.T).T points_world[depth > depth_cut_off, :] = np.nan return points_world[:, :3]
[docs] def project_points(points: np.ndarray, frame: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Project 3D points into the 2D camera image. :param points: A list of 3D points with shape [N, 3]. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is given, the current frame is used. :return: The projected 2D points with shape [N, 2]. """ # Get extrinsics and intrinsics cam2world = get_camera_pose(frame) K = get_intrinsics_as_K_matrix() world2cam = np.linalg.inv(cam2world) # Transform points into camera frame points = np.concatenate((points, np.ones_like(points[:, :1])), -1) points_cam = (world2cam @ points.T).T points_cam[...,2] *= -1 # Project 3D points into 2D points_2d = (K @ points_cam[:, :3].T).T points_2d /= points_2d[:, 2:] points_2d = points_2d[:, :2] # Flip y axis points_2d[..., 1] = (bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y - 1) - points_2d[..., 1] return points_2d
[docs] def pointcloud_from_depth(depth: np.ndarray, frame: Optional[int] = None, depth_cut_off: float = 1e6) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute a point cloud from a given depth image. :param depth: The depth image with shape [H, W]. :param frame: The frame number whose assigned camera pose should be used. If None is given, the current frame is used. :param depth_cut_off: All points that correspond to depth values bigger than this threshold will be set to NaN. :return: The point cloud with shape [H, W, 3] """ # Generate 2D coordinates of all pixels in the given image. y = np.arange(depth.shape[0]) x = np.arange(depth.shape[1]) points = np.stack(np.meshgrid(x, y), -1).astype(np.float32) # Unproject the 2D points return unproject_points(points.reshape(-1, 2), depth.flatten(), frame, depth_cut_off).reshape(depth.shape[0], depth.shape[1], 3)