Source code for blenderproc.command_line

""" Command line function definition. """

import argparse
import os
import shutil
import signal
import sys
import subprocess

repo_root_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from blenderproc.python.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility
from blenderproc.python.utility.InstallUtility import InstallUtility
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position

[docs] def cli(): """ Command line function, parses the arguments given to BlenderProc. """ options = { "vis": { 'hdf5': "Visualizes the content of one or multiple .hdf5 files.", 'coco': "Visualizes the annotations written in coco format." }, "extract": { 'hdf5': "Extracts images out of an hdf5 file into separate image files." }, "download": { 'blenderkit': "Downloads materials and models from blenderkit.", 'cc_textures': "Downloads textures from", 'haven': "Downloads HDRIs, Textures and Models from", 'ikea': "Downloads the IKEA dataset.", 'pix3d': "Downloads the Pix3D dataset.", 'scenenet': "Downloads the scenenet dataset.", 'matterport3d': "Downloads the Matterport3D dataset." }, "pip": { 'install': "Installs package in the Blender python environment", 'uninstall': "Uninstalls package in the Blender python environment" }, "quickstart": { } } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="BlenderProc: A procedural Blender pipeline for " "photorealistic image generation.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='Version of BlenderProc') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode', help="Select a BlenderProc command to run:") # Setup different modes parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run', help="Runs the BlenderProc pipeline in normal mode.") parser_quickstart = subparsers.add_parser('quickstart', help="Runs a quickstart script blenderproc/scripts/") parser_debug = subparsers.add_parser('debug', help="Runs the BlenderProc pipeline in debug mode. This will open " "the Blender UI, so the 3D scene created by the pipeline " "can be visually inspected.") parser_vis = subparsers.add_parser('vis', help=f"Visualize the content of BlenderProc output files. \n" f"Options: {', '.join(options['vis'])}", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser_download = subparsers.add_parser('download', help="Download datasets, materials or 3D models to run " "examples or your own pipeline. \n" "Options: {', '.join(options['download'])}", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser_extract = subparsers.add_parser('extract', help="Extract the raw images from generated containers such " "as hdf5. \nOptions: {', '.join(options['extract'])}", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser_pip = subparsers.add_parser('pip', help="Can be used to install/uninstall pip packages in the Blender " "python environment. \nOptions: {', '.join(options['pip'])}", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) sub_parser_vis = parser_vis.add_subparsers(dest='vis_mode') for cmd, help_str in options['vis'].items(): sub_parser_vis.add_parser(cmd, help=help_str, add_help=False) sub_parser_download = parser_download.add_subparsers(dest='download_mode') for cmd, help_str in options['download'].items(): sub_parser_download.add_parser(cmd, help=help_str, add_help=False) sub_parser_extract = parser_extract.add_subparsers(dest='extract_mode') for cmd, help_str in options['extract'].items(): sub_parser_extract.add_parser(cmd, help=help_str, add_help=False) parser_pip.add_argument('pip_mode', choices=options['pip'], help='\n'.join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in options["pip"].items())) parser_pip.add_argument('pip_packages', metavar='pip_packages', nargs='*', help='A list of pip packages that should be installed/uninstalled. ' 'Packages versions can be determined via the `==` notation.') parser_pip.add_argument('--not-use-custom-package-path', dest='not_use_custom_package_path', action='store_true', help='If set, the pip packages will not be installed into the separate custom package ' 'folder, but into blenders python site-packages folder. This should only be used, ' 'if a specific pip package cannot be installed into a custom package path.') # Setup all common arguments of run and debug mode for subparser in [parser_run, parser_debug, parser_quickstart]: if subparser != parser_quickstart: subparser.add_argument('file', help='The path to a python file which uses BlenderProc via the API.') subparser.add_argument('--reinstall-blender', dest='reinstall_blender', action='store_true', help='If given, the blender installation is deleted and reinstalled. Is ignored, if ' 'a "custom-blender-path" is given.') subparser.add_argument('--temp-dir', dest='temp_dir', default=None, help="The path to a directory where all temporary output files should be stored. " "If it doesn't exist, it is created automatically. Type: string. Default: " "\"/dev/shm\" or \"/tmp/\" depending on which is available.") subparser.add_argument('--keep-temp-dir', dest='keep_temp_dir', action='store_true', help="If set, the temporary directory is not removed in the end.") subparser.add_argument('--force-pip-update', dest='force_pip_update', action='store_true', help="If set, the cache of installed pip packages will be ignored and rebuild " "based on pip freeze.") # Setup common arguments of run, debug and pip mode for subparser in [parser_run, parser_debug, parser_pip, parser_quickstart]: subparser.add_argument('--blender-install-path', dest='blender_install_path', default=None, help="Set path where blender should be installed. If None is given, " "/home_local/<env:USER>/blender/ is used per default.") subparser.add_argument('--custom-blender-path', dest='custom_blender_path', default=None, help="Set, if you want to use a custom blender installation to run BlenderProc. " "If None is given, blender is installed into the configured blender_install_path. ") args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() if args.version: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from blenderproc import __version__ # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel print(__version__) elif args.mode in ["run", "debug", "quickstart"]: # Install blender, if not already done determine_result = InstallUtility.determine_blender_install_path(args) custom_blender_path, blender_install_path = determine_result blender_run_path, major_version = InstallUtility.make_sure_blender_is_installed(custom_blender_path, blender_install_path, args.reinstall_blender) # Setup script path that should be executed if args.mode == "quickstart": path_src_run = os.path.join(repo_root_directory, "blenderproc", "scripts", "") args.file = path_src_run print(f"'blenderproc quickstart' is an alias for 'blenderproc run {path_src_run}'") else: path_src_run = args.file SetupUtility.check_if_setup_utilities_are_at_the_top(path_src_run) # Setup temp dir temp_dir = SetupUtility.determine_temp_dir(args.temp_dir) # Setup env vars used_environment = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=repo_root_directory, PYTHONNOUSERSITE="1") # this is done to enable the import of blenderproc inside the blender internal python environment used_environment["INSIDE_OF_THE_INTERNAL_BLENDER_PYTHON_ENVIRONMENT"] = "1" # If pip update is forced, remove pip package cache if args.force_pip_update: SetupUtility.clean_installed_packages_cache(os.path.dirname(blender_run_path), major_version) # Run either in debug or in normal mode if args.mode == "debug": # pylint: disable=consider-using-with p = subprocess.Popen([blender_run_path, "--python-use-system-env", "--python-exit-code", "0", "--python", os.path.join(repo_root_directory, "blenderproc/"), "--", path_src_run, temp_dir] + unknown_args, env=used_environment) # pylint: enable=consider-using-with else: # pylint: disable=consider-using-with p = subprocess.Popen([blender_run_path, "--background", "--python-use-system-env", "--python-exit-code", "2", "--python", path_src_run, "--", args.file, temp_dir] + unknown_args, env=used_environment) # pylint: enable=consider-using-with def clean_temp_dir(): # If temp dir should not be kept and temp dir still exists => remove it if not args.keep_temp_dir and os.path.exists(temp_dir): print("Cleaning temporary directory") shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) # Listen for SIGTERM signal, so we can properly clean up and terminate the child process def handle_sigterm(_signum, _frame): clean_temp_dir() p.terminate() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm) try: p.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: try: p.terminate() except OSError: pass p.wait() # Clean up clean_temp_dir() sys.exit(p.returncode) # Import the required entry point elif args.mode in ["vis", "extract", "download"]: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if args.mode == "vis" and args.vis_mode == "hdf5": from blenderproc.scripts.visHdf5Files import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "vis" and args.vis_mode == "coco": from blenderproc.scripts.vis_coco_annotation import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "extract" and args.extract_mode == "hdf5": from blenderproc.scripts.saveAsImg import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "blenderkit": from blenderproc.scripts.download_blenderkit import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "cc_textures": from blenderproc.scripts.download_cc_textures import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "haven": from blenderproc.scripts.download_haven import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "ikea": from blenderproc.scripts.download_ikea import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "pix3d": from blenderproc.scripts.download_pix3d import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "scenenet": from blenderproc.scripts.download_scenenet import cli as current_cli elif args.mode == "download" and args.download_mode == "matterport3d": from blenderproc.scripts.download_matterport3d import cli as current_cli else: raise RuntimeError(f"There is no linked script for the command: {args.mode}. " f"Options are: {options[args.mode]}") # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel # Remove the first argument (it's the script name) sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + unknown_args # Call the script current_cli() elif args.mode == "pip": # Install blender, if not already done custom_blender_path, blender_install_path = InstallUtility.determine_blender_install_path(args) blender_bin, major_version = InstallUtility.make_sure_blender_is_installed(custom_blender_path, blender_install_path) blender_path = os.path.dirname(blender_bin) if args.pip_mode == "install": SetupUtility.setup_pip(user_required_packages=args.pip_packages, blender_path=blender_path, major_version=major_version, use_custom_package_path=not args.not_use_custom_package_path, install_default_packages=False) elif args.pip_mode == "uninstall": SetupUtility.uninstall_pip_packages(args.pip_packages, blender_path=blender_path, major_version=major_version) else: # If no command is given, print help print(parser.format_help()) sys.exit(0)
if __name__ == "__main__": cli()